Anyone: 1640/day : 35yr old F : 5'7.5" : 15-20lb to lose



  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Hey. I'm 5'7 and looking to lose another 25-30 lbs. I've been focused on heavy weight lifting and it has made me look and feel strong and sexy....something I did not think would be possible while being in the middle of my weight loss journey.

    Today I just adjusted my goals based on TDEE I'll stop counting my exercise calories and just eat 1800 a day. I work out 5 days a week - 4 doing heavy lifting and 5 doing cardio like spinning and Cybex Arc Trainer.

    Add me to your friends list if you'd like!
  • tudazies
    tudazies Posts: 50 Member
    Hey deena, we are of course already friends but if any of these othere ladies are looking for more support/motivations you are all more then welcome to add me :) I have very simular goals and am 26yrs old 5'8. I was very shy when I started over 80 days ago and have come to realize doing this with other supportive people its easier and more fun to see how awesome everyone's doing.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    p.s. I could still afford a few friends with similar goals.
    The ladies from this post get a thumbs up, by the way!
    Oh and I'm at 1600/day not 1640. Not that it makes that much difference :bigsmile:
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 5'6", 20lbs to go (Lost 7 so far in 6 weeks, woot!) on around 1550 cals a day. I've upped my exercise (I found I *love* to run), so I've upped my cals to ~1600-1700+ a day to refuel. So far, so good @ the higher calorie goal. Eating good, and feeling great, while still solidly losing 0.5-1lb a week.

    I don't "eat back" my exercise so to speak. I use the TDEE calculator (based on my 3-5 days a week of cardio), less 15-20% for weight loss. I'd much rather eat a constant calorie goal each day, than have to add in and figure out what else I must eat to hit my macros.