Starting again (for the fifty-billionth time...)

Maybe a little exaggeration, but you get the idea.

This time is a little different, mind, and I feel a little sad about it. My max weight had always been 200lbs and I'd found it quite easy to fluxuate about 15lbs under that. I lost a fair bit in my first year and a half at university, however now I'm in my final few months (essays, dissertation, no time for a social life, no money either), and that lifestyle change has really taken it's toll.

I'm currently 220lbs (at twenty years old at 5ft5 and for the first time I can really feel what my obesity is doing to me. My tummy gets in the way when I'm sitting or leaning forward, I can feel my chin in the way when I try looking down and my fitness levels are so low I get out of breath within five minutes walking up a hill. Looks wise it's never really bothered me, but these things alongside some chest pains, heartburn etc, I know I'm in a bad way!

I'm finding the prospect of trying to get fit again very daunting. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so when I inevitably have my hiccups (we all do), like miss the gym, eat too much etc, I stress out about it A LOT. That stress and blaming myself always ends up in me giving up.

I would love some help, advice and friends on MFP to help make this easier <3 I am in awe of all you guys that are so crazy motivated! Words of wisdom from you would be fab, but so would some from people that get where I'm coming from, and maybe have lost/need to lose the 80lbs or so (at least) that I need to.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I'm a little older than you (took me 20 years to complete my BS in Finance - but I finally did it!) but otherwise I can really relate. I've done the on-again, off-again thing for too long and finally feel like I've made a personal break thru. Can't say for sure that what has worked for me will work for you, but no harm in trying a different way of thinking - right?

    I decided the core problem, for me, is that I'm fairly lazy by nature. I'd rather sit on the couch and watch tv, and pick up fast food - because those are easy things to do. BUT I want to be active. So I'm taking steps to make myself be active. Get a pedometer of some sort - something reliable. I think Omron sells one that is well rated thru Amazon and is not expensive. And track your steps for a week. Then set a goal to increase by 1000. So if you are averaging 5000 then make yourself do 6000. And every few weeks increase another 500-1000 until you're doing at least 10-12k per day.

    Some days I'm running in place on a mini-trampoline for 30 minutes at night to finish getting my steps in. I make more of an effort to walk extra here & there, such as not finding a 'close' parking spot. Walking to the Subway that is 1.5 blocks away from the office for lunch - instead of driving. Little things add up in the long run. I'm counting calories in, weighing food, making an effort to eat more fruits & veggies, etc. And on that part of the 'program' I am fine with having a day 2-3 times a month where I don't try to eat at a deficit. When you get used to eating ~1500 calories a day, having room for 2000-2200 opens up lots of possibilities. And if I have a day where I eat higher, but don't want to count it as one of those maintenance days, then I move more.

    Just throwing out there what is working for me. I'm focusing on the type of life I want to lead (active not lazy) and that's somehow easier than thinking about how many cardio sessions I need and such. I'm still doing cardio, but its not such a big deal.

    And my biggest motivator, also, was the feeling of being worn out by doing simple things. When I went back to school (one of the times) in 2007 the university was in the process of building a new parking deck, but in the meantime parking was limited. Getting there at 6pm there were no 'good' spots and I had to walk a long distance, in August heat, carrying books, etc. - and it was a real eye-opener!
  • pommesvertes
    pommesvertes Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the reply Staci :)

    I do think we are similar, haha. I think I need to accept that I'm fairly lazy too - studying requires me sitting around for long periods of time, sure, but I'd still rather relax by watching films or nerding about on Photoshop. The pedometer is a really good idea!
    It's reminded me of RunKeeper, which I used once to track my walks, and I think I'll start using that again. It gives me a rough pace/step count/calories burned. The thought of going for an hour long walk every morning just to get my fitness up is far less intimidating for me right now, it'll up my fitness just for getting about at least (like you it's the everyday things which have worried me!), and then I'll feel better at approaching the gym and stuff.

  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    "You haven't failed until you quit trying"
  • Worthy2bFIT
    Worthy2bFIT Posts: 15 Member
    i lost 110 lbs
    i got to 197 from 307
    but i am back at 221
    i backslid-ed and enjoyed to much of the friends, beer and basically party life
    i fall into depression and i recently asked myself
    what my happy place is
    its in the gym, in the kitchen, meal planning - i find it a hobby a complete life hobby almost
    thats how i want to spend my life , so i am going to get back up and do it again!