2 Week Mini Bulk?

Hi All,

I am going on holiday in a few days for two weeks to an all inclusive resort, and i would like to hear your thoughts on a workout routine while im there. I have decided that i am not going to count calories while there but still want to keep my fitness on track.

Should i take advantage of all the lovely protein at the buffet and hit the weights more then i already do at home? Will i see any gains in two weeks? (i have been eating at a 1000 calorie deficit since june 2013 and lifting heavy 2 times a week).

Or should i concentrate on cardio to keep the calorie excess to a minimum?

I still have about 30lbs of fat to lose before im at a bf% where i want to start bulking properly.




  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    2 weeks won't be enough to see appreciable difference or matter honestly.

    I wouldn't bulk anything if I had 30 lbs still to go- but I mean- it's up to you.

    For me I tend to do a mix- I eat protein- and veggies and fruit and stay away from things like pasta and heavy sauces that the caloiries tend to be crazy high.

    I typically do 2 a days when i'm on vacation- lift and cardio as two different sessions- plus swimming- running around whatever else.

    Enjoy yourself- don't make a big thing of it- but don't just lose all discipline.
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    I do think it's a good time for a diet reset. Maybe try to eat around maintenance and allow for trying the local treats you won't find at home. For exercise, I'd enjoy the activities the resort has to offer - swimming, biking, kayaking, whatever. Maybe lift a couple of times for a beach pump or during the downtime before dinner. Most of all, enjoy your vacation.