back pain after weight loss

I recently lost 68 lbs in the past 3 months and most of the weight was in my stomach. However over the past few weeks i get a back cramp that lasts for hours each day. I was wondering if this could be because my back muscles arent holding so much dead weight up anymore or if its something else. Any ideas?


  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    I recently lost weight too, all over tho but 8" off my waist and I suffer with back pain now too, my chiropractor says it is my body "re-learning" how to hold itself now....and when we lose fat we lose it from in our muscles too so they are suffering in a sense. It passes tho, mine took about 3-4 months then it subsided.....
    Hang tough and it will pass.....68lbs is ALOT for a body to learn to hold up without!!!
    Good Luck!!! C~
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Many a trainer will recommend core exercises to strengthen in the abs and back to correct that... That sort of pain is usually an imbalance. Talk to your doc to see what they recommend- in the mean time work on sitting up straight and engaging your abs. If you sit at work ask if you can bring in an exercise ball (you can pick one up for $10) it will help strengthen both your back and your abs and assist in getting things back in line.

    Congrats on the loss and good luck on your journey!!