Has anyone lost and regained?



  • sharon_in_missouri
    sharon_in_missouri Posts: 10 Member
    Story of my life BUT the important thing is to go back to what works and work toward making permanent changes. I have lost and regained 20-50 lbs all of my adult life but it has not put a damper on my determination to find a middle ground that I can live with the rest of my life.
  • Trishsimon
    Trishsimon Posts: 129
    Thank all of you for your stories! I just feel like a failure for regaining the weight. I know exactly what I need to do, but I lack the motivation. I am however extremely uncomfortable in my clothes and embarrassed when I run into people from school. I was skinnier through most of high school and I live in a small town. I hate taking pictures and I'm tired of lacking confidence. I've even tried praying to God about giving me self control, but that hasn't worked. Not sure how to restart this program when I did so good before, but I need to do something now!!

    P.S. If one more beach body person messages me I will go off!! Please only real dieters who aren't trying to sell me something respond.

    Hi Aimee,

    Sounds like you need to get to the root of why you are emotionally eating when you figure that out it will help you to stop.
    I lost 2 1/2 stone in 2012-2013 then kind of went off the diet a little and gained back 1 stone so now here I am in 2014 more or less starting again I might add I still have 4 more stone to lose to get to my main goal but am taking it one stone at a time, this year then I lost 8lbs in 6 weeks on here and then gained 6lbs back and couldnt understand and with the help from some people on here I realised I was eating 221 calories per day too much and over a year that amounted to over 80,000 calories extra so I have now got everything in check and am back on track.
    Don't beat yourself up you havent gained back all of the weight just some and that happens to everyone, I don't buy any goodies when shopping and do up a menu so I know whats for dinner each day so I dont get a chance to binge.
    Best of luck !:smile:
  • Corinnead44
    In 1993 I weighed 244 lbs, in that same year I lost 110 lbs . Here it is 2014 and I am at 270 lbs. I feel your pain, I suffer from depression, and motivation is very, very low. But I take small steps towards losing weight. I start by removing one bad food, and replacing it with one good one. I no longer eat rice, now I eat lentils. As for being embarrassed of being seen, I still haven't been to a class reunion because of how I look, but I have stopped wearing sweaters to cover up. Small baby steps, something your comfortable changing. Well, I hope you feel not so alone now. Someone knows how you feel.
  • momto2lovelykids
    momto2lovelykids Posts: 110 Member
    i will definately will come back to read this whole post,
    its very encouraging that i am not alone and that even though i gained all the 22lbs
    that i lost,i can lose it again,thank you
  • Neeka_
    Neeka_ Posts: 42 Member
    I lost over 60 lbs once and gained it all and then some, of course I was uneducated about maintenance then, plus I had gone from an active job to a desk job where treats were the norm. I think a lot of us have had a time where we regained, the positive part of your situation is that you didn't allow yourself to regain it all back before choosing to get back to it. I have managed to re lose all my weight and then some, so just don't give up. Staying on track with my workouts really helps alleviate my depression too.
  • jodieoh
    jodieoh Posts: 18 Member
    I tend to fall off the wagon and gain weight over the winter. Something about the shorter days and bad weather makes me want to eat :-) If it happens, it happens; you can't go back and change it. All you can do is move forward and try to make better choices. Take each day as it comes and each meal as a step at a time. Kinda like AA! One meal at a time, ha!!

    Good luck :-)

    p.s. I definitely think that not depriving yourself and not starving yourself is the way to go. Learn to cook delicious, healthy food and pay attention to your portion control and it will be so much easier.
  • peepala
    peepala Posts: 1
    I have stupidly lost 10 kg then binged it all back on! I am so angry with myself but I can't seem to bring myself to lose it all again! Please I need some motivation.
  • Kim061865
    Kim061865 Posts: 13
    Finding Your Healthy Happy Zone! Private group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/HealthyHappyZone/ provide and share support, recipes, and motivation.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    of course...the successful peeps get back on track.

    Good luck.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I lost 60 lbs in one year by exercising and counting calories. I was 8 lbs away from my goal then, I became a stay at home mom for 11 months. I was really depressed with not working and regained 35 lbs in that short time. I'm working again so that should help, but I can't seem to get my emotional eating under control. Now I'm going on a trip to Hawaii and wearing a bathing suit really shows the damage I've done. My thighs are somehow bigger than when I was fat before. I need some positive advice. No rude comments please. I just feel uncomfortable this way and very sad.

    You should discuss with a doctor/ therapist and not on the internet with random people.
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    I lost about 40 lbs in about 5 months and was below my current goal weight about 2.5 years ago. But then my best friend passed away in a car accident that I was also involved in. I was in a wheel chair for 3 months. After I healed from that, I had to focus on graduating from college. Then I moved 2000 miles away from home, my relationship ended, and I realized I was an emotional mess. I gained 25 of those pounds back and I was miserable.
    But now I just refocused myself. Took care of my emotional needs first. And I'm 6 pounds away from my goal weight :) I'm also incredibly happy with my body and I feel amazing.

    You've got this. Start by loving yourself, not hating yourself.
  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I lost 70, and gained back 25. I feel like I'm wearing a fat suit, and my thighs are, indeed, fatter than when I was this weight before. I know that once the switch in my head is back to loving myself and wanting the best for myself, it'll happen again. It'll happen for you, too. (I had surgery that laid me out for a bit in December, and I just haven't gotten back to all the good habits yet!).
  • joeyzuraski
    joeyzuraski Posts: 47 Member
    Down and up. Emotional eating is a hard habit to break. I eventually regained control with too much sugar free gum then turning my mind off of eating extras off my diet plan. Then setting a high point in walking goals. Since I already do 12,000 steps a day off the treadmill, I set it up to 20,000 steps to do. Then reminded myself to do 60-90 minutes of fat burning walks on the treadmill.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Yup! 12 years ago I lost something like 50 pounds doing the Curves* plan, but gained it all back because I never knew what went into losing other than working my butt off in the gym, drinking god-awful shakes and eating boring food. Luckily, there is a lot more knowledge and tools out there now where I've been able to understand how weight loss happens a lot more than I did! Not to mention I'm older and have the patience that I was sorely lacking back then.

    *This is more a comment about my particular location combined with my maturity level, willingness to research and available tools than it is about the actual Curves concept.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Life is a journey. And that stinks sometimes. I know that I sure would like to be done with fighting my weight. I've been up and down several times. Most recently I lost 100 pounds in 2012. The first 5 months were smooth sailing, then my husband lost his job and we had to move into and repair a trashed rental house we had. I lost my gym that I was doing so well with. Once that move was done buckled down and made it to goal. Felt crummy and almost immediately started to regain. Another move May 2013, then another move September 2013 - cross country that time and away from all my family. Then this February I spent back home while my father was in ICU and then passed away. I feel like every time I am about to get back on track life knocks me back again. I have regained about 40 pounds.

    But here I am today with 2 "good" days under my belt and trying again. It is hard. It makes me angry that I gain so easily and on a relatively small amount of calories. According to a TDEE calculator at my lowest weight I should have a TDEE of 2,329 calories a day being nearly completely sedentary. I tracked a week recently and got 2,000 - 2,200 calories a day and I have been steadily gaining. At my current weight it says my TDEE should be 2,711 a day. I'm targeting 1450 a day right now, which is the BMR for my goal weight. I'm hungry and it is no fun, but I'm hoping it gets easier after a week or so.

    Giving up means just digging the hole deeper so you may as well try.
  • Shavell
    Shavell Posts: 1
    Yes I losted and picked back up. Its hard to stay on track sometime, so I keep a picture of me when I lost alot of weight a couple of years ago in a place where I can see it everyday to make sure that I keep my weight down. :smile:
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i can imagine this happens to alot of people who lose a substantial amount of weight, i remember reading a study somewhere that theres something like a 75% statistical chance that if you lose 50 lbs or more that within a year you will gain most of it back, after 2 years it goes down to like 30%, then it keeps going down.

    it sucks but you just have to be diligent. im already preparing for my transition to maintenance and i still have 20 lbs (at least) until i reach my ideal body type
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I've even tried praying to God about giving me self control, but that hasn't worked.

    I don't believe it is about self control. NO ONE has will power.

    um speak for yourself- especially in a sub forum full of people trying to bulk.

    will power and self discipline are skills that can be learned and trained.

    Secondly this thread does not belong in here- this forum is for people specifically looking to gain- so the answer to the question will be yes- lots of us have lost and gained- because we are doing it on purpose.

    lost, gained, then lost again.
  • MsPantherNPink
    MsPantherNPink Posts: 24 Member
    Is there anyone here who hasn't? I have done it so many times that I've lost count. This time around instead of just dieting and losing weight I'm trying to make my present eating habits a lifestyle change. I am eating healthier, watching my portion sizes, and execising 4 to 5 times a week so hopefully there won't be any regaining. Wish me luck guys!!!!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I worked my butt off, got down to my lowest adult weight at 129...looked great, felt great.

    Then, I became depressed and stopped giving a crap how I ate and if I worked out. I slowly but surely gained weight back. It took a few years to gain some back, luckily not all of it, but I went back up to 150.

    Now I'm back on board, feeling good mentally, and losing the weight again.