200+ (Week 52) "Hot for Halloween"

It's a big week for our group for several reasons. First, it's the last week of our six-week challenge. Also, it's the last week until we've hit a year here at MFP (well, some of us at least). It's amazing how far we've all come. I know I couldn't have done all that I have without your support.

Victoria and I are hitting a major running milestone running our first half marathon together this weekend. Will try and get pics!

So everyone check in and let us know how you've been doing.

It's been a horrid eating week with the parents being in town. I've still been able to get a fair bit of exercising, but really not wanting to look at the scale tomorrow. I might take a by-week. :grumble:

I did get my last training run in today- 2.6 miles at a 10:30 pace! Can you believe it??? Granted, I was definitely done after those miles. Could not have kept that pace up for very longer, but I'm proud of myself for doing that, and I think I need to add more short speedy runs to my repertoire.

Good luck everyone!


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I won't come back on here till Saturday or Sunday so you guys have a great weekend and a great run!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all - I lost 2.8 pounds this week! I was so happy, I was dancing around my bathroom. I did really well this challenge - I lost 5.8 pounds over the past 6 weeks and am now under 215 pounds. I'm really stoked to finally see my hard work paying off! I'd like to be under 200 when DH gets back from the States in December and, if I keep losing like this week (which I probably won't - but I CAN dream, right?) I think I can make it. I'm starting off my Friday with some homemade Banana Wheat bread (it isn't a sweet bread like banana bread so it has less fat & sugar but still tastes like banana bread without the guilt!)

    Kristina: You were on FIRE with your last run!!! WOW. Good luck at your race this weekend. Take lots of pics!

    Lacey: Have a good weekend.

    Victoria: Good luck at the race!!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good Luck at your race Kristina and Victoria.....Run like the wind my friends!! Can't wait to see pics!!

    OMG...Amy that is fantastic news!!! What do you think your success stems from? The early morning run/walks or your eating? Great job!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning Gang - Wow is time flying!!! TGIF!!! 2 more days until the race. Thank you to all that have made this year go by so fast and so successfully!!! I would not be here today - smiling and thinner and about to run my first 1/2 marathon (please note this was on my dream bucket list before I started here)... Check-in for today 183. I seem to be hovering in this area from 182 to 184. Part of me is terrified that after this race - when I go back to normal exercise, I'll start packing the pounds on. I do intend to start logging food again just to make sure all goes well. Enough about my obsessions. I will take and post pictures of the race!!!

    Amy - flips and twirls for you - that's an amazing amount to lose!!! I'm very proud of you.

    Kristina - wowsa - you're getting to be like the speed of light. I'm impressed!!!

    Have a nice weekend!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Checking in at 217.8 today. Up another .2 from last week (that means I'm up .4 from 2 weeks ago). Still hoping it has something to do with my outrageous sodium intake....seriously, I've been 3000mg OVER my daily limit several times this week due to eating Progresso soup for lunch (so few calories though!).

    I went to the gym last night and did 45 min on the bike. It was a nice break for my knees, but I hardly broke a sweat and my heart rate never got over 130. I only burned 328 cals but I was using muslces that I don't normally use so it kinda burned.

    anyone else ready for a nap already?? lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I'm TOTALLY ready for a nap. I bet the sodium is definitely affecting things. Sucks that so many things have so much in it. Just keep chugging water to hopefully compensate a bit. Nice job on the bike! It doesn't burn as many calories, but it's using a different part of your body, and it's good to mix things up. At least that's what I tell myself!

    Victoria- getting excited!! I know you were thinking that longer distance training might be affecting your weight loss. Perhaps the change to difference exercise, or at least less running will mix things up and the losses will start piling up again. Logging food will help!

    Debra- nice to hear from you! we miss you around here!

    Amy- WAY TO GO! Nice loss girl!

    So I will count my weight for this morning, as it wasn't as devestating as I thought: 178.8... that's up 0.6 from last week. Considering my exercise has been down and I've eaten out hmm... let me think... at least one meal every day for the last week, it's pretty effing incredible and I will definitely take it. Unfortunately the last week of our challenge is falling dangerously close to my TOM, which will not be pretty.

    Plans for today are to relax with the family whit evening. I'm thinking about taking a walk with them tonight. Originally thought about going to the gym, but should go easy on the legs until the race.

    Glad to hear from everyone! Keep it up!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Debra: I honestly think the success comes from watching my sodium intake while continuing with my exercise and healthy eating. I honestly had no idea how much sodium is in things like bottled pasta sauce & light salad dressing. These things always fit into my calorie intake but now I am limiting these processed foods as they have soooooo much sodium (not to mention preservatives & artificial colors & stuff). So I am trying my darndest to eat fresh foods whose ingredients I can pronounce. It worked this week - we'll see how next week goes.

    Kendal: Nice job switching up the workout - sometimes the body needs a break from doing the same things all the time. And I don't think that you "only" burned 328 cals - that's a good burn!! And you used new muscles! Great job!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    It is SO encouraging to hear how well you guys arendoing with consistency. Makes me know its possible to do it too.

    Victoria you've been doing the heavy running thing for quite a while now, maybe when the marathon is over and you start doing other exercises and routines your body isn't used to it It will jump start weight loss all over again?

    Okay gotta get going so I can hang with the girls in portland today!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey, the word consistency is just the right one! I mean look how long we've been around. We keep plugging at it and we're going to see results. It might be slow, we'll also have slip-ups, but knowing that we've all made changes for the better in our life that we can sustain in the long-term is the biggest accomplishment.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'll be running in less than 24 hours - eeeekkkk. I now have to pack and we are leaving in less than an hour... I'll try to check back later.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    eep indeed Victoria!!

    We'll be leaving Ann Arbor shortly (waiting for game to begin) and are heading first to the Expo to pick up my goodie bag and bib and then to the hotel. Can't believe the race is tomorrow! Still seems a bit surreal. I don't know if I'll be able to check in again before the race, as I don't want to pay for internet at the hotel, so I won't be taking my laptop. We'll see!

    I imagine I'll sleep pretty crappy tonight before the race, combination of nerves and staying in a hotel and not my normal bed. Will be out of my normal pre-race running routine, so I hope that doesn't screw me up. *shrug*

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria & Kristina: SO excited for your race!! Hope you both do well and have a great time!!!

    As for me: I woke up with a sore throat and aches everywhere. I think it's due to the change in weather (we went for being in the 60's to being in the low to mid 40's PLUS it's been raining ALL day). I went to Gabe's soccer game (42 degrees AND rain - absolutely a miserable hour) but it was a really good game and Gabe got his first goal (in a game) so that was cool. Then we slogged to the commissary to pick up ingredients for a birthday cake. Gabe informed me that I MUST have a birthday cake for my birthday to be "official" - he offered to make a boxed mix cake for me but said that anything I make will be sure to be better than what he ends up with (sometimes I think the kid takes lessons from his father on how to manipulate me into doing what he wants me to do). At any rate, I will be making myself a strawberry cream cake for my upcoming birthday (I figured it would be lower in cals than my German Chocolate cake recipe). Then we came home and vegged ALL day. We have been working our way through Season 4 of The Office (yeah, my 7 year old thinks it's hilarious - he's an old soul, I guess) so we watched that for the rest of the evening. THEN - I flipped through the pages of my hubby's Men's Health magazine to find a New Balance ad that I could NOT ignore. It had a picture of a guy running and the copy said: Nothing hurts more than sitting on a couch. Seeing as I mostly spent my day in exactly that way - I felt drawn to my treadmill by the ad. I ran for an hour (at 8:30 PM) because of that ad. So I ripped it out & stuck it to the wall by my computer so it can continue to get me up off my butt on a regular basis.

    Ya'll have a great day.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good Vibes your way Victoria and Kristina...CAn't wait to hear how it was...Exciting!!!

    Amy...I am down with a bug of somekind too...chills, headache

    Go Gabe..with his first goal...that's awesome...and hugs for the whole cake idea...my son is a sweet talker too....but over the years has became quite the "baker"....he makes some awesome cookies...and now after years of being int he kitchen with me...he'll even reduce the fats in them..using apple sauce or chia seed gel...he'll get such a proud look on his face when he tells me he's made cookies...I'll give him the eyebrow and tell heim that he knows I can't have any....and he'll say "oh yes you can!...chia in them there cookies"...he has a great personality too!

    You've also motivated me to get moving this morning...I was on the couch most of the day yesterday....I got sick during my run and just layed around all afternoon and even went ot bed early...my back is killing me now...Your right...Nothing hurts more than sitting on the couch all day!...Off to exercise.....Thanks I needed to hear that!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Guess who finished their race???


    Will have more details and pics later this evening. My parents are packing up and leaving and I'll have some more time to discuss. All in all, great weather, great race, great time!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina & Victoria: YOU GUYS ROCK!!! You look sooo happy in your picture. You should be super-proud of yourselves!

    Debra: I'm sorry you are feeling crappy. I tend to deal with sickness in 2 ways: 1) I'll curl up under a blanket and hibernate for a while and, if that doesn't work, I'll 2) go for a walk or a jog or do some kind of exercising thing and see if that makes me feel better. Sometimes sitting around like a slug makes me feel like a slug. Sometimes it helps me get better - every cold/flu is different. I hope you are feeling better. Your son sounds really sweet. I am also grooming mine to be a healthy chef. Just today, I taught him to use a sharp knif (his first time & he was pretty excited about that) to slice strawberries for the cake we're making tomorrow. He was soooo proud of himself. He loves cooking; he can make a mean scrambled egg, loves flipping pancakes, can measure anything in a measuring cup quite accurately and is learning the nuances of an omelet (he prefers black beans, cheese and salsa as him omelet filling) - I think he's doing quite well for a 7 year old....I think I was 12 before I learned how to even make spaghetti!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Congrats to victoria and Kristina on the race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Deb what is this chia seed gel you speak of?? Ive never heard of it and am alwaysmlooking for different alternatives.

    Amy your cake sounds amazing! I can cook anything but have a massive he11 of a time baking anything except no knead bread. I want to make a pavlova roll with marscapone cheese filling and I am sure I can do that since I can make meringue cookies okay.
    That I'd great about teaching Gabe to cook too. I let Gracie help as well at least once a week.

    I'm reading a book called Food Matters. Basically the author is talking the way of Food Inc and goes on to suggest eating vegan until 6 pm for a number of reasons. Ive been considering going vegetarian for a while and like this idea. So staring tomorrow morning, vegan until dinner time as much as I can. Might add in some cheese here and there during the day but I am excited to get going.
    What get me to top going vegetarian/vegan is the fact that the effects of soy on the body is relatively unknown and there is some stuff vie read regarding the soy estrogen having bad effects. But then I think, can it really be as bad or worse than eating meat and dairy full of antibiotics and chemicals? Hard to say. Everyone has to pick their food battles.

    Well it's time to put the girl to bed.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm still around. Been kinda lurking lately. Isn't this the last week of this challenge? Should we start coming up with the next challenge name?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My challenge for the next period is to eat Vegan/Vegetarian until dinner and to get to the gym five days a week.

    Since the challenge will end right around TG day, maybe we can do something like Takin' off for the Turkey? And focus on a goal of X minutes of exercise per week? LOL. Sorry thats all I got.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I just got my flight itinerary for my trip. I have to leave Eugene at 5:20 am pacific and don't arrive to my final destination until 7pm eastern time.
    Getting up at 3:30 is going to kill me. Kill. Me.