Exercise Calories

I have a question for those of you who have had some success with this program... My workout today gave me over 600 calories extra! How important is it to meet my new carolie goal (1880 calories!) l when they add SO much for what for me is a regular work out? I fear that is more than i am hugary for, and I don't want to increace my food intake too much because when I don't exercise it is already hard for me stay within my goal.



  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    For starters you have to determine how accurate that 600 calories is - were you wearing a HRM - or is that what MFP gave you?

    If MFP - I'd only eat back 3-400 of those since they calorie count is always high. IF you had HRM - you can eat back ALL of them - find some calorie dense stuff - toast and PB can get you 300 calories quick!

    PS I only enter a portion of the time I work out - so that in my mind I can eat back ALL the calories (so instead of saying I did something for 30 min I only enter 15-20 of it).
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    What is your goal?
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    Be careful of what you eat back.....especially if you are going by MFP calorie report....cause yea, I've noticed the calories burned for cardio can be all over the place....though will say, they seem to have gotten "more accurate" over the past couple months.....I don't know if it's a MFP change.....or if it's because of the weigh I've lost......but I always enter my stats into the cardio machine the same as MFP.....and when I add the cardio event to MFP, it would be like 200 calories OVER what the machine showed.....so I would always go by the machine (which is measuring my activity based on my heart rate.....not just a scientific formula based on my weight / time.....)

    If all else, take the calorie read out the machine is giving you, and the calorie readout MFP gives you, divide it by 2, giving you an "average" - and use that instead? :) I've heard of some people doing that......to sort of "meet in the middle".....

    But I will say, I very RARELY "eat back" my exercise calories" - though what I've started doing, for my cardio session, I'll try and "burn off" my breakfast calories ;) and seems to be working okay......sure, MFP barks at me every night stating I'm gonna go in starvation mode.....but Im not hungry! Lol.
  • Aminicole1129
    My goal is to loose about 20 lbs overal, at least 2 lbs per week would be nice but more would be better!
  • Aminicole1129
    Super helpful! Thank you. It seemed too much in my opinion. I feel like I'd starve I had to cut the 600 calories I was used to 6 days a week the 1 or 2 days I don't work out. Maybe I will log in my time, or just add up to 400ish calories burned.