Snacking when home!!!

For about 2 months I was mostly good about sticking to my calories and whatnot, but the last week or so, I've been really falling back into the bad habit of snacking too much after work! I'll be on my best behavior all day, and then when I get home, I eat dinner, and then 30 mins later i'll be snacking. It's not because i'm hungry or eating too little (until this week, I was eating like 1800 calories a day!), I'm not even hungry when I start doing it. I'm just falling back into that bad habit I used to have of mindless munching! Anyone have suggestions of how to stop it, other than making my husband take my snacks away? lol This is kind of a big issue now, I'm going to be transitioning to working from home in the next couple months and I SERIOUSLY do not want to be in the kitchen snacking all day because i'm home and bored! Thanks! :)


  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Hot tea.

    If/when I feel compelled to snack (when not hungry after dinner) I will make some flavored non-caffeinated tea with a bit of lemon and honey. Usually by the time I'm done sipping on it my snack craving has gone away.

    If you are actually hungry, try some raw veggies.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Pre log your food. I usually have my whole day planned by the time I eat lunch. Snacks and everything. That way when I *think I'm hungry and want to snack, I look at my diary to see if it's in there and fits within my calories.
  • I have the same problem I always keep my refrigerator stocked with fruits So when I do have the munchies I'm having strawberries, apples, grapes etc.