New Member

Hey guys!!! I am Nicole, but I go by Nikki. I am not a complete newbie to the whole fitnesspal thing. I have been using it off and on, but i am determined this time to lose this weight and to get a flat tummy, so i can finally get my belly piercing. I am 18 years old, and i currently weigh 167 pounds...but my tummy sticks out.. so i get the question, "when are you due?" or "Are you pregnant?" A LOT. And my body is really starting to affect my self esteem. I started to put on weight last year when i started to work at McDonald's.. damn it stupid french fries -_-
But I am actually trying to lost like 15 a month.. so i can get to at least below 150 by July when Summer school starts.. It is gonna take serious dedication but i am up for it. I would really like to have friends to help push me on my journey and keep me motivated. So please add me? c: