Advice needed -

So I am trying to lose some weight, I have been doing fairly well on my exercise. I have been running, hiking, swimming some weekends, and other workouts here and there to mix things up.

My problem it seems is with food. To get a full picture - I am married to the love of my life, but my husband is also over weight, but he jumps on the workout band wagon and then jumps right back off. (I don't blame him due to health issues). ANYWAYS - I lost my job about 6 months ago and we had to move back in with his parents. This sounds awful, but over all it isn't to bad we all get along very well.

NOW the advice that I need is the following. My mother in law loves to cook she buys 90% of the food in the house and we contribute the last little bit (Due to lack of funds). I have let her know that I am trying to eat healthier and usually when I tell her that... she bakes.. a lot. I don't think she does it on purpose, but I know that when she was a little girl they sometimes went without food and so someone says they are on a diet, or eating healthy she goes on this binge of baking and cooking the fattiest foods she can possibly make. Mind you she is a diabetic so she only eats so much of it, but still that leaves the rest of us to get fatter which is defeating the purpose. When I tell her I am making my own dinner she will quickly make something and then make me a plate thinking I'm not going to eat enough and if she thinks I haven't eaten enough she will continue to ask me if I am hungry. She will ask me over and over again if I want something to eat and I will say no a hand full of times, but she is very persistent until I take SOMETHING from her. It is rare that we have anything healthy in the house unless my husband and I buy it, but again lack of funds make it hard to buy a whole lot.

I love her to pieces, but she is making it hard for me to stick on track with good eating habits especially since I am not financially stable to go out and buy everything myself so I have to depend on her heavily. -_-

Any advice on the subject would be amazing!


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Maybe try talking with her again. Or just be firm in you "no" when she offers you more. Good luck.