Emotional eating!?

Iv always been a binge eater and it's 100% tied into my emotions!
Been going threw a lot the last few months and Iv been fine! But this week iv been wanting everything all the time and finding it hard to stay away from bad foods especially when I'm alone!
Anyone have any advice with idk stoping cravings, or controlling it?


  • You just have to keep busy! Find something that keeps you really busy. Do you a hobby?
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    For me at work in the afternoons sitting at my computer has been a problem. I replaced the junk food snacks with sparkling water and fruit, I love blackberries (all berries seem to have a good calorie:fiber ratio). I did that for a few weeks and now I feel better in control of having snacks when I want to without over-doing it.