Fitting into old clothes-A question

So, this is probably a very weird question, but here it goes. I have two dresses that I would like to wear sometime this summer. They fit, but very tightly. I would like to wear one to a wedding, and the other just out would be nice.

Now, because I have logs of my weight over the years, I know that I bought the dresses at the start of a summer weighing around 237, but they were a bit tight. So, I was about 227 when they fit well.

My question is, does anyone have an experience of fitting into clothes *before* they were the weight when their clothes fit? Losing 30 pounds before the end of the summer is unlikely, so I'm focussing on inches.


  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    It depends entirely on how your body is changing. I recently fit just fine into an old "skinny" dress even though I was about 10 lb up because I'd gained muscle but lost inches and it had been tightest in the waist. However, I have other dresses that I wore at a higher weight that now I can't fit into even though I weigh less because I've gained so much muscle in my chest the top fits funny. So I'd say yes, just keep trying it on, and you might be surprised how well it fits even if you don't lose all the weight, especially if you've changed your exercise routine since you last fir into it.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Sadly, I'm seeing the opposite. Even at a lighter weight, my old clothes still don't "hang" the way they used to. I blame it on having a baby and the pooch that came along with my sweet boy.