If/When to stop squatting before a marathon?

I'm running a marathon June 1st. Training is going well. Decent amount of running miles, plus I've been doing tons of walking, hiking and bike riding. I also do Stronglifts 5X5 3-times a week which includes squats each session.

Is there a specific, or recommended, are even arbitrary/ personal preference for a good time to stop/reduce leg workouts before a race? I want to avoid any possibility of injury, and also make sure I'm in "optimal running shape"

I've kind of toyed with the idea of continuing to squat, but dropping the weight way down. Last workout was 260#, and I'm thinking maybe drop to about 200#, but I'm open to suggestions.


  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    My marathon running friends say 7 days before the race.
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    I stopped squatting a week before.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    Definitely give yourself enough time to recover before your race. Like you said, drop the weight on your squats. Try 20-25 rep breathing squats... Will help build muscular endurance and promote hypotraphy... If your not huffing and puffing by rep 15 add some weight... I don't know if you done these before; the repetitions are done slowly, at the top pause and take 2 deep breaths and repeat... Also as far as form is concerned, go deep! *kitten* to ankles lol...
    This exercise is done in a slow tempo, controlled and mental, try to create that mind muscle connection...
    Good luck on your race!
  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    I asked both a running coach and a multiple triathlete this question and their advice was this; the aim is to TAPER before a marathon. If you have maintained a full lifting schedule through your running training program follow a similar taper with your lifting program to that of your running....

    ie. maintain intensity but decrease repetitions at the same time as you decrease mileage (I am not familiar with stronglifts, so perhaps you may need to deload weight rather than repetitions).
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I would drop them at the start of your taper.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    I asked both a running coach and a multiple triathlete this question and their advice was this; the aim is to TAPER before a marathon. If you have maintained a full lifting schedule through your running training program follow a similar taper with your lifting program to that of your running....

    ie. maintain intensity but decrease repetitions at the same time as you decrease mileage (I am not familiar with stronglifts, so perhaps you may need to deload weight rather than repetitions).

    5 sets of 5, and I've been adding 5# every session. Yesterday I kept my weight at the previous session's weight, and I'm thinking I'll keep it there instead of de-loading. Also, with only 5 reps, there isn't much room to cut reps.

    I think if it starts getting too easy, I'll up my reps like mentioned above.