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what kind of nerd are you?
Fifty shades
Not a fan?0 -
I feel so restricted by nerd labels O.o lol....much prefer to just mention what I like without trying to fit into any specific niche.
I'm an obsessive, life long learner type for sure (what else would I be, getting into medicine? xD). I float back and forth heavily between a few fandoms. I'm very into science and art. I like scifi but I'm very particular about it. It's too late and I haven't slept at all, I'm worried about sounding like a hipster nerd. (Which I'm fairly sure I'm NOT. lol)0 -
Fifty shades
Not a fan?
Anything that starts as Twilight fan fiction isn't going to be that good.0 -
Fifty shades
Not a fan?
Anything that starts as Twilight fan fiction isn't going to be that good.
Maybe I'm just no expert, but Fifty Shades worked for me.
To each her own0 -
palaeoanthropology nerd (as in totally obsessed: I have a blog on it and also write fiction set in the palaeolithic era) (and anyone who's familiar with my posts on this forum know I talk about neanderthals and Homo erectus a lot lol)
plus science generally, especially biological sciences but I also have a soft spot for physics
- lifelong Dr Who, Star Wars and Star Trek fan (lifelong as in from age around 5 or 6 and can't actually remember the first time I watched Dr Who or Star Trek)
- also a big fan of LOTR and Harry Potter
- I like fantasy fiction generally
ETA: I also own the entire Asterix comic book series... collected since age 60 -
I'm a history, fairy, wizard, bird, New Age/spiritualism...butterfly nerd. lol. Yeah <<<that0
History, fantasy, horror, comic books, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Marvel movies (currently a toss up between Loki and Winter Soldier for my faves). I must be a school nerd as well because I have a PhD so I was a student for eleventy billion years. I'm not that great with math, though, so it was a relief that I only needed statistics for my degree.0
I'm the heavily tattooed, glasses wearing, DC/Marvel comic t-shirt wearing, Fanatic Dr Who loving (So much so I'm having a TARDIS tattoo), Always have my nose in a book reading, grammar and spelling correcting type of Nerd!....Who can bench 245lbs and squat 370lbs...both were only for one rep but goddamit that one rep counts!!0
Oh lordy, how much time do you have? I've been running a text based online Star Trek forum RP for years (just search for USS Talon), I work in nuclear medicine, I play the clarinet, I do astrophotography, I just went to WonderCon in Anaheim, I own my own Klingon costume, I'm a rock hound, and and and............ I think that's enough for now. Oh, wait, I ran my own BBS before the internet existed and people would call my phone number and their computer would talk to mine and they would download text files with their 300baud modems. I'll shut up now, hahahhaha.0
Huge book geek in case it wasn't obvious from my user name here.
Other interests: LOTR including the more obscure books/notes by Tolkien, sci-fi books/films/TV, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Dune (by Frank Herbert) series, Walking Dead, huge
anglophile, history buff and PNR reader
Been to a few conventions though not in costume0 -
I code to relax.0
Oh lordy, how much time do you have? I've been running a text based online Star Trek forum RP for years (just search for USS Talon), I work in nuclear medicine, I play the clarinet, I do astrophotography, I just went to WonderCon in Anaheim, I own my own Klingon costume, I'm a rock hound, and and and............ I think that's enough for now. Oh, wait, I ran my own BBS before the internet existed and people would call my phone number and their computer would talk to mine and they would download text files with their 300baud modems. I'll shut up now, hahahhaha.0
I am not a nerd at all. I identify as a geek, thank you very much.0
Anime, drawing and watching. Cooking and baking
aaaand Gaming
Mostly Tekken
0 -
Nerdiest thing about me... I'm pretty obsessed with pokemon. I hack every game that comes out and I'm proud to say I have tonz of legendaries. I however find this awesome, not nerdy!0
I'm not seriously involved in the ren faire or convention scene but they are fun. I've not done cosplay, with the recent exception of dipping my toes in the water of Steampunk at a recent Ball and that was SO MUCH FUN! My girlfriend and I went and she put together a couple great last minute costumes. I'm not much of a dancer but had a blast anyway and watching Snugglesmacks dance and have a good time was a joy to behold.
I'm always up for a ren faire, a costume ball or a video game, especially when they involve my kthulu!!<3<3
0 -
It's a semi long list: -big breath- jpop, pokemon, yugioh, anime, manga, video games, (sorta-begining) Star Trek, Star Wars, kingdom hearts, book, Serlock, Doctor Who, BBC... (ect ect)0
I'm a HUGE dork---books, art, workout....i mean, i'm 30 years old and still in school...0
I enjoy "problems." I like solving them... these often end up involving technology (know a bunch of programming languages, I can develop apps for Android and iPhone) but sometimes they don't (I am pretty handy with tools). I also love to read. I am addicted to the library and its rare for me to not have a book or ten checked out at the same time0
Someone needs to design an algorithm to work this out for sure0
My glasses weigh about 1.5 lbs and take up about 56% of my face's area.0
king of the lab!importstatus.Value = "starting"
For ii = 0 To 6
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With objIE
.AddressBar = False
.StatusBar = False
.MenuBar = False
.Toolbar = 0
If ii = 0 Then
importstatus.Value = "load date and weight - 1/7"
.Navigate "http://www.myfitnesspal.com/reports/results/progress/1/" & nn
ElseIf ii = 1 Then
importstatus.Value = "load calories - 2/7"
.Navigate "http://www.myfitnesspal.com/reports/results/nutrition/Calories/" & nn
ElseIf ii = 2 Then
importstatus.Value = "load carbs - 3/7"
.Navigate "http://www.myfitnesspal.com/reports/results/nutrition/Carbs/" & nn
ElseIf ii = 3 Then
importstatus.Value = "load fat - 4/7"
.Navigate "http://www.myfitnesspal.com/reports/results/nutrition/Fat/" & nn
ElseIf ii = 4 Then
importstatus.Value = "load protein - 5/7"
.Navigate "http://www.myfitnesspal.com/reports/results/nutrition/Protein/" & nn
ElseIf ii = 5 Then
importstatus.Value = "load net calories - 6/7"
.Navigate "http://www.myfitnesspal.com/reports/results/nutrition/Net Calories/" & nn
ElseIf ii = 6 Then
importstatus.Value = "load calories burned - 7/7"
.Navigate "http://www.myfitnesspal.com/reports/results/fitness/Calories Burned/" & nn
End If
.Visible = True
End With
TOSecs = 90
TimeOutTime = DateAdd("s", TOSecs, Now)
TimeOk = True
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 2/- Internet Explorer, waiting for load complete or 90 sec")
End If
Do While (TimeOk) 'READY STATE
If (Now > TimeOutTime) Then
TimeOk = False
MsgBox ("Sorry! The request timed out. Stopping now.")
Exit Sub
End If
If objIE.ReadyState = 4 Then
TimeOk = False
End If
'-wait 3 secs
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:03")
If ii = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Click OK after you see the XML data in the IE Window, you may need to log in.")
End If
'start reading
st = objIE.Document.DocumentElement.innertext
objIE.Visible = False
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 4/ - html set to be read")
End If
istart = InStr(1, st, "row")
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 5/ Found first part date row at " & istart & ". Length of data string is " & Len(st))
End If
' read date only once
stlength = Len(st)
istart = InStr(istart, st, "<string>")
stwrk = Mid(st, istart + 8) 'start after the string
If ii = 0 Then
For i = 0 To n
stwrk = Trim(stwrk)
' istart = InStr(istart, st, "/a") + 3
convertstr = Mid(stwrk, 1, InStr(stwrk, "<") - 1)
ddd(i) = convertstr
' move to the next string
istart = InStr(stwrk, "<string>")
stwrk = Mid(stwrk, istart + 8)
If istart = 0 Then i = n
Next 'i
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 6/ Read the dates. Now at point in string: " & istart)
End If
End If
istart = InStr(istart, st, "<number>")
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 6A/ Read the dates. Now at point in string: " & istart)
End If
stwrk = Mid(st, istart + 8)
For i = 0 To n
gstr = Mid(stwrk, 1, InStr(stwrk, "<") - 1)
If ii = 0 Then
www(i) = Val(gstr)
ElseIf ii = 1 Then
cal(i) = Val(gstr)
ElseIf ii = 2 Then
carbs(i) = Val(gstr)
ElseIf ii = 3 Then
fat(i) = Val(gstr)
ElseIf ii = 4 Then
protein(i) = Val(gstr)
ElseIf ii = 5 Then
netcal(i) = Val(gstr)
ElseIf ii = 6 Then
burncal(i) = Val(gstr)
End If
stwrk = Mid(stwrk, InStr(stwrk, "<number>") + 8)
Next 'i
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 11/ Quitting IE")
End If
Set objIE = Nothing
Next 'ii
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 7/ Read the values. Now at point in string: " & istart & " Now going to do some index management")
End If
'reset dates
yearstr = Right(ddd(n), 4)
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG / Set years...")
End If
For i = n To 0 Step -1
ddd(i) = Left(CStr(ddd(i)), Len(CStr(ddd(i))) - 4) & yearstr
If Left(ddd(i), 4) = "1/1/" Then
'MsgBox ddd(i)
yearstr = CStr(Int(yearstr) - 1)
End If
Next 'i
'find first value based on weight entry
'msg.Value = "Find first value..."
i = 0
While www(i) < 1 And i < n
i = i + 1
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 8/ Finished with index adjustments. Found fist valid value at " & i & " Going to write values in worksheet.")
End If 'reset and redim
'msg.Value = "Write values..."
k = n - i
Dim wdes, ddes, cdes, pdes, ccdes, fdes, ncdes, bcdes As Range
Dim wout(), cout(), pout(), ccout(), fout(), ncout(), bcout() As Single
Dim dout() As Date
ReDim dout(k)
ReDim wout(k)
ReDim cout(k)
ReDim pout(k)
ReDim ccout(k)
ReDim fout(k)
ReDim ncout(k)
ReDim bcout(k)
Set ddes = ws.Range("B3:B" & k + 3)
'Set ddes = ddes.Resize(k, 1)
Set wdes = ws.Range("C3:C" & k + 3)
'Set wdes = wdes.Resize(k, 1)
Set cdes = ws.Range("D3:D" & k + 3)
'Set cdes = cdes.Resize(k, 1)
Set ccdes = ws.Range("E3:E" & k + 3)
'Set ccdes = ccdes.Resize(k, 1)
Set fdes = ws.Range("F3:F" & k + 3)
'Set fdes = fdes.Resize(k, 1)
Set pdes = ws.Range("G3:G" & k + 3)
'Set pdes = pdes.Resize(k, 1)
Set ncdes = ws.Range("H3:H" & k + 3)
Set bcdes = ws.Range("I3:I" & k + 3)
Range("date_finish") = ddd(k)
Range("date_start") = ddd(0)
For j = 0 To k
wout(j) = www(n - j)
' ws.Range("C" & j + 3).Value = www(n - j)
dout(j) = ddd(n - j)
cout(j) = cal(n - j)
ccout(j) = carbs(n - j)
fout(j) = fat(n - j)
pout(j) = protein(n - j)
ncout(j) = netcal(n - j)
bcout(j) = burncal(n - j)
' ws.Range("B" & j + 3).Value = ddd(n - j)
' Msg.Value = "Write values..." & j & "/" & k
Next 'j
importstatus.Value = "posting data"
wdes.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(wout)
ddes.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(dout)
cdes.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(cout)
ccdes.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ccout)
fdes.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(fout)
pdes.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(pout)
ncdes.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ncout)
bcdes.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(bcout)
'-wait 1 secs
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 9/ Finished with writing. Going to add calculations without labels")
End If
'msg.Value = "Remove alpha num..."
'Set d = ws.Range("D3:D" & 3 + n - i)
'd.Value = "=IF(C" & d.Row & "<>"""", Value(RemoveAlpha(C" & d.Row & ")),"""")"
importstatus.Value = "import complete, recalc charts"
If dbg = 1 Then
MsgBox ("DEBUG 10/ Lets redo the charts!")
End If
endMmt = Now
importstatus.Value = "**done** - import completed in :" & Format(startMmt - endMmt, "mm:ss") & " on " & Format(endMmt, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
If dbg = 1 Then MsgBox ("DEBUG 12/ Done")0 -
The "curled up on the couch with my Nook and nerd glasses on" kind...while The Big Bang Theory is on in the background. The "IT geek who loves when my application breaks so I can troubleshoot" kind. The "SQL query writing, code development" kind. And the "studying for the GMAT so I can enter the MBA program" kind. The "couldn't pick one major in college, so I was a double major" kind...bc I'm an overachiever like that. I fly my nerd flag proudly!!!0
I like to differentiate between "nerd" and "geek." I'm not a computer genius A+ nerd, but I'm a video game playing, anime watching, cosplaying geek. Momocon in ATL is this Saturday, and I'm cosplaying Sylveon! Also planning a Titanfall cosplay in the future, but that one is a long ways down the road.0
I'm a Sci-Fi loving, Grammar Nazi, crafty-type nerd.0
Gamer Girl Nerd0
Computer geek. I earned a PhD in computer science just for fun. I read and re-read my old textbooks at home. Heck, I just read every line of that block of code in EvgeniZyntx's post.0
Trivia nerd. My husband calls me "Rainman" because I will be standing in the kitchen washing dishes while Jeopardy is on in another room and I'll shout out things like "What is Avogadro's number?" and "Who was Karl Malden?" I actually took the test for the first Jeopardy college tournament years ago. I passed the written test but wasn't chosen to be on the show. The guy from my try-out group who was selected did go on to win the whole thing, so I guess i can't feel too bad.
My best friend calls me a "closet nerd" since I pass for "normal" but most of my close friends are nerds. My husband is the same way. Throughout high school and college, we were the only ones in our respective social circles who weren't into sci-fi or Dungeons and Dragons. I guess we are nerd magnets.0 -
The Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Marvel, cosplay, collecting, convention going kind ^_^0
This discussion has been closed.
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