Stay at home mums

I'm a stay at home mum with a 5 month little boy. I have an elliptical which I don't mind working out on but when I do a 40 minute workout by around 30 minutes my baby will start winging and having a sook which makes the already hard last 10 minutes like 1000x worse so I like to wait for the dad to be home so he can watch bub while I work out but sometimes I feel like im just being lazy and should tough it out instead of waiting... any other mums have this problem? what do you do to workout at home when you have a bub that takes most of your time?


  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    I SAHM and I have a four month old and she also sometimes cry right at the end of my workout. I usually continue with my workout if her crys are small because she just wanting to hear my voice to know that I'm still around. But if I can't get her to stop crying by talking to her then I just stop my workout and continue whenever I finish trending to her needs.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I SAH and started working out again when my twins were 5 months old. By that point they were on a pretty decent nap schedule, 1.5-2 hr naps twice a day (the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child was a huge help with this) so I would work out during their morning nap. For starters I did Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred which was relatively short so I could fit in the workout, showering, getting dressed again, eating, etc., or whatever else I needed to do before they woke up again.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Nothing to say here cuz my kids are all "taller" and out of the house...but I think your dialect/accent is adorable. :smooched:
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'm not familiar with the terms winging or sook, but I'm guessing he's losing patience and fussing? If he's only 5 months, surely he's napping for at least 2-3 hours/day? Do it while he's napping. Or get a jogging stroller and go outside with him. Congrats on your little and good luck.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I SAH and started working out again when my twins were 5 months old. By that point they were on a pretty decent nap schedule, 1.5-2 hr naps twice a day (the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child was a huge help with this) so I would work out during their morning nap. For starters I did Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred which was relatively short so I could fit in the workout, showering, getting dressed again, eating, etc., or whatever else I needed to do before they woke up again.

    That book ROCKS! :drinker:
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I'm a stay at home as well. I would load them up in the stroller and go for walks pushing the stroller. Then I have my own body weight plus theirs. I would also bring them to my parent's house and they would watch them while I did the elliptical. They are now almost 7 and almost 10, so with a little patience I can get through a 45 minute workout uninterupted (sometimes I'll have to stop at least once). If I'm really lucky I can get one in while they are at school. Don't feel lazy! You are at least trying to get a workout in.
  • becky4m
    becky4m Posts: 61 Member
    TurboFire! Before anyone is up and after everyone is in bed. I don't have the option to wait. My hubby is an oilfield man so he is out of town 24 days a month. I'm a stay at home mom of four boys. Gotta find the time.
  • ms_lindsay
    ms_lindsay Posts: 22 Member
    Im a SAHM and I single parent half the month while Dad is out of province working, my kids are now almost 3 and almost 2. With my first I invested in a jogging stroller and learned to run, that's been my best cardio workout since having kids seeing as they join in the fun. I also did programs like Insanity/ and T25 and I did those during nap times of it that didn't work well I would get up before them and get it done. Short, fast and hard intervals are best when you have kids! Recently I joined a gym that has daycare and my kids go for an hour 3x a week while I do strength training and then I take them swimming afterwards for a reward for them being so great in daycare. On alternate days I still run with them or I do a HIIT or T25 workout in the morning while they sleep or play.

    It does get easier, but I say just go with babes schedule and work things in whenever you can. They eventually establish good routines and you can start to get in longer workouts! It's taken me until now to have that hour to myself for a workout, but it takes time ;)
  • missjuliaamyemms
    missjuliaamyemms Posts: 54 Member
    winging and sooking is like crying but more just because he wants attention... or fake crying. my bub only has 30 minute naps, but stays awake for 2-3 hours after, I've tried everything to get him to sleep longer but he just doesn't want to, then he'll have a big 6 hour sleep at bedtime but by then I'm to exhausted. I normally do just continue the workout and try to ignore him but it gets really frustrating, specially when he can see me, he only does it when I workout.

    and thank you for saying I have a cute dialect/accent... i'm Australian, but never thought the way I wrote was cute hahaha. I have a bunch of workout DVDs, mainly all the ones that are on tv, like the UFC once, turbo fire, insanity but since im just starting again I find them really hard! I might give 30DS another go though :)
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    +1 on a jogging stroller. It will put him to sleep in no time
  • cczolek
    cczolek Posts: 6
    The jogging stroller is a great idea! You can also try breaking up your workout. Multiple short workouts are just as effective for weight loss and heart health as one long workout. Try to 20 minute workouts during two nap times instead of one 40 minute bout.