

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    Watched DWTS also.Wanted amy and Derk to win,but was glad Max got his 1st award.
    Gonna be another hot one-80+.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Its been a roller coaster day. Last night the vet was less optimistic.:cry: Then this morning she called and he is showing more improvement and that he may get to come home tomorrow. He still cannot urinate or deficate on his own but they have been doing a lot of physical therapy and he was able to sit up with his legs underneath him today. :smile:

    It is so hard to concentrate on work. :grumble:

    Ritter did great at home yesterday but he is really wondering where the heck his brother is.

    Thanks for being here for me.

    Robin, Ritter and soon to have her Bodi back.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm keeping you and Bodi in my prayers. Wishing you luck.:flowerforyou:
  • NenaC
    NenaC Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there Debbie....welcome to you:flowerforyou: . I just found this wonderful support group too Great bunch of women who will inspire you as they do me. Great to check in everyday if you can. You will be encouraged and lifted up for sure.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Well I got my fitbit and have it set up, I think. Interested in seeing what it says I do for steps and sleep. Going to be a beautiful day.
    I am upset with my DS as he calls me last evening and says family meeting tomorrow night at 7:30. Would not give me anykind of hint only not bad news. So I am worried. Darn kids anyway. When I tried to get him to tell me he just said let us do this our way.

    Jill--I had a terrible time getting my fitbit to snap. DH had to help and even then it did not go easy. I do hope it gets easier.

    Carol--glad you are feeling better and sounds like you have alot of reason to be proud of your son.

    Michele--I color my hair when I can't stand it anymore. I keep thinking I will let it grow out and when I can not stand it anymore I do it. I buy the nice and easy foam and do it myself. Since my hair is short it is not hard. A lady I work with the other day asked me if she can dye my hair and pick the color. I thought what the heck, so sounds like Friday after work we are going to do that. I just told DH it is only hair and will grow out if we don't like it. I am stepping out of my comfort zone.

    Margaret--Thanks for the info on heart attacks.

    Kim--I would of had a hard time keeping my mouth shut, but him doing the work would of helped.

    The lady that comes every two weeks and cleans for me came yesterday and was all upset. She is losing her house. I know she has been trying so hard to keep it since her husband passed away several years ago. I feel so bad for her and told her she could stay with us until she can find a place. She says she has until Aug 1st. I just pray that something works out for her. Guess no matter what there are people with worse problems then I think I have. She didn't stay as was so upset, so I cleaned house and it felt pretty good. Got some deep cleaning done and feel like I got somethings done with less stress. I have thought several times about letting her go as I can do this myself, but know she depends on the money, It's only $50 twice a month.

    Sylvia--the pre-school acouple of my grand kids go to also have the graduation. My DGD graduated this year. They had a cookout and program together it was nice, but cold and they had it outside. I like the save the world by smaller clothes. I know sometime when I am folding my jeans I think that can't be mine they are to small. Just reading about what happened with your DGD makes me so mad. What kind of leader would let that happen?? Is there a council office you could call? This is not what Girl Scouts are about. Hugs to both of you.

    Nena--sometimes we have to just enjoy life and ajust things later. I know that I am far from perfect and do the best I can and enjoy things when I can without going overboard. Not sure I explained that right.

    Heather--prayers for DH's nephew and the family. Enjoy the time with the DGC. I am afraid the NEWS DS wants to tell everyone this evening is that they are moving and taking my DGD away. I spend alot of time with her and would break my heart. I have to stop thinking about it as all kinds of things runing around my mind about what this could be they want to tell all of us together.

    Sue-glad to hear you found a riding buddie.

    Barbie--I also read JoAnn Fluke books about the cookie shop and love them.

    Carolann--congrates and keep up the good work.

    Welcome Debbie and all the new ladies. You have a found a great group for support and friendship. Come often and get to know us and us you.

    Has anyone heard from Sandy? Haven't seen her post here in awhile and concerned.

    Joyce--hope you get some help with the computer issues. There is so much I do not know and seems I can not learn. But I keep trying. I was proud as I got my fitbit set up and synced to my home computer.

    Patty--I do think your class is going to be very good and glad to hear you are having a good sign up so far. I am sure you will have some drop out and at the same time word of mouth will bring in more. When is your first class? My mind can't remember what you said.

    Lucy--how scary for you and Milo. I agree that the guy could be an ok guy or areal jerk. I just wounder did he not see Milo and think maybe he should keep his distance instead of walking up to you with your back turned and on the phone.

    Robin--great news about Bodi, Hope he keeps doing well and gets to come home very soon.

    Well time to get some work done and I work the gift shop this afternoon. I told them I have to leave at 7. I do hope DS has good news, not bad. Trying real hard not to think about it as nothing I can do till this evening. Remember ladies we are in this journey together and we will be better for the changes we make.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    WE FOUND OUR VACATION HOME! I put a deposit on it today. Now is the fun time when my daughter and and I look through the area for other things to do especially if we have bad weather. There is a small type marine world up the road from us. I told my daughter that if she wants to swim with dolphins she has to pay for it. We, the parents, are already paying more than we had originally expected. But it has a pool and right on the ocean. It is a 2 apartment unit so we might be sharing the pool with another family. The home we had in Mrytle Beach also had a pool but the little old lady who rents the other unit for the entire month of October every year never went to the pool. So yes, my stress level is down by about 1000%!!!!

    That's awful about the girl scout troop. I would look into another troop to join. The leader herself should know not to allow the rest of the troop members make one person feel like an outsider. If nothing else she should latch onto that young girl as is she is her best friend.

    Joyce, INdiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's the joke of the day:


    The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. "Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, "There's Jennifer; she's a lawyer,' or “That’s Michael, he's a doctor.'"

    A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher. She's dead."

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Sort of randomly scanning through some of the past couple of days. The Girl Scout incident got me a little riled up. The leader sounds like she's got her head up her behind and I'm guessing that won't change. I've observed some of the Girl Scout drama at Aaron's school and am grateful he's a boy and I don't have to say "NO WAY!". I've heard one of the leaders tell a mom that they don't want anyone else to join or it will break up their comfortable little group. "Mean girls" learn it from someone and it seems it's usually mom. Boo hiss.

    I wouldn't put Aaron in the Boy Scout "pack", or what ever they call themselves in his school. I've watched the "leaders" and it's not the kind of example and situation I want him in. Maybe there will be a better option at his new school next year.

    OK, going to read some more....
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Joyce, glad you figured out how to post from your ipad. I love my app for logging. The pie chart is super handy for seeing how well the balance of carbs, fat, and protein, but it will not allow you to participate in the message board. I love the website for that and for showing the days in your streak. The app doesn't show that either. One word of caution: pay attention to your post or autocorrect will make you say some really weird things!

    I can do everything on my app but I CAN'T FIND THE MESSAGE BOARDS!! What's the secret?
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    There is no secret, Gloria! The message boards don't exist on the apps. Therefore, the apps suck!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Well THAT stinks, but at least I'm not nuts.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    gmom, I have Chrome on my smart phone and my Ipad. I use it and go to MFP.com. I had to type in my password the first time, I don't know if I will have to each time or not. But that's how I got in. Good luck

    Joyce, Indiana
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Been reading about hair color...funny what catches my attention:ohwell:

    I have always used a L'Oreal box color to touch up my roots between my trips to the salon for highlights and a "good" root touch up. It's never been a problem. Lately I've been going to an Aveda school. Not really much less than a salon but I like it fine and have never had any problems. Yesterday the "instructor" decided she had to "test" my hair because I use "those store bought colors" to see if their bleach would lift the color. I was very annoyed because it's never been an issue before and wasn't going to be. Plus I didn't have time to waste with her dumb games.

    It lifted fine but just to be a "B" she tried to tell me my hair was breaking and couldn't handle the process. My hair is FINE. The strand they cut off was left in a foil of bleach for way too long and of course it was breaking.

    Long story long I made a HORRIBLE scene, demanded to see the director and before it was over I had a new instructor, same student (who was a doll) and got my color and highlights.....without one broken strand. My hair feels better than it has in months.

    OK, have to get the boy ready for bed...and The Middle. Might be back later with more random thoughts.

    xo-Gloria in hot Metro Detroit
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: After staying up to watch DWTS that ended at 11PM and getting up at 4 AM to walk dogs before line dance class and teaching the afternoon class in addition to my regular morning class, I am exhausted and ready to be in bed super early.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi girls. Nice day running errands. My blood sugar last night was way high and now I know why…I entered my oriental cabbage salad recipe and omg the carbs in it was ridiculous. I even calculated it with truvia and it had the same carbs as sugar, so I wonder if the data base is right.

    Joyce: no help from me…I just put the back on my old Motorola flip phone an turned it on for the first time in about a month!

    Michele: I did have to look the word “relax” up in the dictionary!!! I do my own hair, so no clue as to what a salon would charge. I use loreal experte…..it has the color and highlights.

    Kim: holy cow what a job!

    Patty: glad none of your bouncing kids went airborne!

    Cowley: you join by posting! Welcome aboard

    Katla; holy cow that’s some egg!

    Heather: so sorry about DH’s nephew. That’s quite a load.

    Robin: glad to hear the update. At least Bodi boy is improving. Poor Ritter; he misses his buddy! Will you have to learn how to catheterize him if he comes home?

    CArolann: good for you to get to the gym!

    Debbie: you joined when you posted! Welcome to our group.

    Kim: wow those calories are crazy!

    Anamika: I think climate change is why we have so many awful weather events here now

    Alison hope you are feeling better soon

    Sylvia: what kind of girl scout troupe acts like that???

    Lucy: oh I am so sorry about Milo and the biting incident. We had a dog once we had to take to “naughty doggy school” because she sent DH to the emergency department twice. She was fine after 2 years of intensive therapy but I always worried she’d bite someone else. Turns out she never did and was a total “love me” dog to everyone! It actually was a good experience because now we can handle special behavior needs dogs and our girls learned how to behave around dogs because they really all can be unpredictable. I hoep it all turns out ok.

    Gloria: hooray for a nice new hair coloring! Glad you stood up for yourself

    Ladies; I’m off to bed. I have had a headache now for 2 days and it’s getting worse. So sleep tight all! Take care, Meg from beautiful Omaha where our doves finally fledged and now we can put the awnings out!
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hi, lady's
    Vicki-I hope your son has good news, my daughter's husband is being transferred
    from Md to Colorado in June, we've only known for sure since mother's day. I'm
    really close to dd and gs. He will be 3 in June. I'm already struggling with my comfort
    Barbie-I love the JoAnn Fluke books too, and I love the story's about her cat Moishe.
    Party-I wish our Y had a abs class.
    Robin-good news about Bodie
    Jane- I watched DWTS too. I also wanted Amy and Derick to win.
    Brenda from Md
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 45 min of yoga this morning (I got to class late) and then an hour of the deep water. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jari Love's Extremely Ripped 1000 DVD.

    drkatiebug - you get a pie chart????? I loved that when I was at Livestrong and sorry that MFP didn't have it. But they do? Where?

    barbie - I watched DWTS last night. I DVR'd it. I was disappointed in a way that the first hour was nothing more than a recap of what they did, Twitter questions, etc. I wanted to see the final show, not this. And by the time I realized that the final elimination wasn't going to be on this episode, it was too late to watch the other one. So I'll watch it tonight.

    CarolAnn - good for you getting to the gym!

    Debbie - welcome. You joined by posting! Come back often

    Have senior bowling this afternoon. This season they made Vince a captain (boo). Have my carrots all cut up and ready to take with me along with my Bubba Mug of water. When we change to the other bowling alley, I don't know if I'll need such a large mug. Guess we shall see. Maybe I'll take it with me and just have what I want and bring the rest home to finish

    DeeDee - we probably won't be in the pool since we have senior bowling today. One of the things that I like about the other bowling alley is that they only have 3 person teams rather than 4 person teams so you get out early. Maybe we'll get home a little early since it's right before Memorial Day and hopefully people won't be there. Then I can at least go in the pool before dinner. Update: after dinner I did lay out by the pool. I had every intention of going in (to me, the water was warm) but then I realized that I'd forgotten to bring my towel down by the pool. Well, I'll be in it tomorrow, that's for sure

    Margaret - that's great that Meryl and Mak won! First time for him! I'm so happy. In a way I do wish Amy and Derek had won, but then again I'd always wonder if some of their votes might not have been sympathy votes. But on the other hand, Amy has overcome so much

    katla - Vince ALWAYS tells me "whenever you do something on the computer, save, save, save." Hope you had fun at your lunch and that it was at that Asian place.

    Lucy in DE - I bet Milo WAS protecting you. I can totally understand how you feel.

    Heather - how wonderful of you to invite people to your house rather than going out. In many ways I'm with you, I hate paying the sky high prices at a restaurant especially when I can have something better (and that I want) at home. Good luck at the knee clinic. Personsally, I'd much rather have shiritaki noodles, but I don't know of any restaurant that serves them

    Robin - we worry so much about our furry friend, huh? So glad to hear Bodi is doing a bit better and may be coming home

    Vicki - the way your son said "let us do this our way" leads me to think that it's pretty good news. Let us know what it is, ok?

    Joyce - I knew you'd find a vacation home!

    Meg - feel better soon

    Well, had dinner then made another banana chocolate cake, I like how this one turned out better so the other one I'll probably put out for Jessica and Vince to have when she gets here on Fri. then I made fundge for Denise, right now it's in the refrigerator. I'll probably cut it up tomorrow. See, her birthday is coming up, have her cake made and in the freezer, bought her card today (something vince would never think of), he's going to pick up the ipad she wants tomorrow and we need to send that to her. So I know Vince and once he gets on a roll, he wants everything done ASAP. I wasn't going to make the fudge until jtomorrow, but then I thought "if Vince gets on one of his kicks, I'd better be ready, he'll probably want to send the computer asap."

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I have a cute kid story. My son told me he has gotten a complaint from the apartment manager because the kids had a particularly loud fight one night. The other day when I spent time with the grandson, I explained that he and his sisters should be nicer to each other and not fight, blah, blah, blah. He said, well, the girls were fighting too! I said if the girls were robbing a bank, would he have to rob one too? He laughed very hard and finally said, daddy would have to drive us to the bank.

    It makes me smile every time I remember that.

    I'm currently stuffed to the gills with the sweetest watermelon we have had in a long time. Yummy! I'm looking forward to all the fruits and melons this summer. There is a really nice farmers market north of Joplin. Can't wait!

    I've never really colored my hair. I tried temporary highlights once and ruined a couple of towels. It seems like an expensive hassle, so I haven't wanted to go down that road yet. Mine is still mostly dull mousy brown with some silver threads running through it. I refer to those as my "natural highlights".

    The scout leader called me today while I was at the library so I couldn't answer. Didn't feel like talking to her anyway. My son called the office in Joplin and complained about her and got the names of two other troop leaders in our area. Maybe we will interview leaders like we were hiring a baby sitter. If I had talked to this lady first, I sure wouldn't have chosen her. Thanks for all your comments on this topic. Helps me feel like it's not just me.

    I'd like to say welcome the new ladies to the group, but it seems like every time I do they don't come back.

    Meg, I'm glad you had a vacation day, but aren't you supposed to be taking a bubble bath and eating Bon-bons?

    Gloria, is that a beauty school? I got a haircut at a beauty school once and it was so bad that people at work were asking me if I cut my own hair. And it was so short that I couldn't go get it fixed. I haven't been to a beauty school since, but I've had some pretty bad haircuts at regular salons too, so it's no guarantee.

    Barbie, I can't imagine getting up at 4am on purpose! If I got up at that hour I'd have to use dynamite to get my lazy dogs out of their snug little beds.

    Goodnight ladies!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: Tomorrow, first thing, I will be bringing my car in for a windshield replacement, due to a crack which was likely due to a stone hitting the windshield in the past, which I had not seen before, because it was kinda under the windshield wiper. Wouldn't you know it, I got hit by another ...whatever...stone...on the way home from work today. Oh man, am I happy that happened today and not...tomorrow!!!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hooray and I'm on the v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n road tomorrow for a few days! Think I've pre-worked all the hours I'll be away, but I'm happy to be going none the less.

    Hope everyone has a terrific weekend.

    Gail, metro ATL