I'm SO hungry!



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    slap some peanut butter on those celery sticks
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I know how you feel, sometimes if I can't eat what I am hungry for, I stay hungry no matter what else I eat. As long as I am eating appropriately, I tell myself that the hunger is what fat lose feels like-that comforts me anyway!
    some people say they are never hungry filling up on the good stuff but I can't agree. It does get better, and you do get used to smaller portions and I am not as tempted by the office treats anymore...
    I am not saying you shouldn't try the advice by others here-more protein, more fiber, more smaller meals frequently!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Don't give in! Your stomach will adjust.

    Oatmeal is a great filling food, but you stated you hate oatmeal. I LOVE OATMEAL!! Have it every day.

    I get hungry again every 2 hours on the dot, which is ok to me because I eat every 2 hours.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Hey, I know that feeling. I really get pangs late at night. I find throwing down some water helps and if that doesn't grab some crunchy vegetable and follow that with water. I'm no expert though. I just got serious on Monday. So far each night after the first day I have had to combat this problem. Only one night did I give in and have a small banana.

    Like you, the first thing I thought was wow is my tummy out of wack with my body. I was feeling hungry but I wasn't weak, faint, or otherwise feeling malnourished.

    One thing that has come to light in my struggles is fast food. If I eat at a fast food place I probably use up 2,000 calories. However, whatever I fix at home is way way less and more filling. I've only hit 2100 calories one day this week and that is because mom sent some Pulled Pork BBQ home with me. Believe it or not that stuff is only about 60 calories a oz. So if you don't gobble down 5 sandwiches you are in good shape. Oh, My goal Calories is 2600 per day.

    BTW, I have not eaten at a fast food restaurant in 2 weeks and I love Taco Bell.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member

    BTW, I have not eaten at a fast food restaurant in 2 weeks and I love Taco Bell.

    Taco Bell is my favoriteeeee! I will go there still on an occasion. They have the Fresco menu. Hard taco without the cheese and sour cream for 150 cals.