New To My fitness Pal

I work two jobs . I get up early so I can walk 30 minutes or a hour before work and 30 minutes to one hour before I go to bed. The best for me is staying regular with putting in what I eat and drink with My fitnesspal. I try really hard to always stay in the green on everything in my calories and etc. I never realized how many calories or sugar or sodium there is in foods until I started this program. But it has made me aware of what I eat now. Some days are easy and some are hard. I dont have time to go to a gym either. Between my husband and four kids my hands are full and working day and night. I spend 30 minutes of lunch sometimes walking if I can. I was 105 to 110 up until age 35 and I gained weight like crazy. When I started this program a month ago I weighed 160. I have been dedicated to every second I can and even days I would rather not walk. But I am a fighter and I am sick of looking at myself in the mirror and in pictures. So I am in this program until the bitter end. And when I have lost what I want to loose I will still stay with the program so that I will never have to go through this again. lol Biggest thing is to be faithful with program and never give up.


  • nikolie93
    Weight loss is hard enough but to add 2 jobs and 4 kids...I can't even begin to imagine! I just started on this site about a week and half ago and I have to say that documenting what I eat really helps me think everytime I go to put something in my mouth. Good luck to reaching your goal! :smile:
  • Dawnsdream
    What i eat is a wake up call for me too.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    That a girl! Never give up! I feel like it some days, but then I look in the closet and see all my "thinner" clothes. I just keep plodding along. Some weeks are good, some are better, and some just bite. After I lose about 9 to 10 lbs I seem to stop dead for a week or so. That's normally when I give up. I know this time I won't. I have to many friends here to offer the encouragement that I need to keep going. That's the main reason I joined. Plus I love the food diary. It really helps me to see where I am at.:smile: That's how I am going to do it do. Even after the weight is gone....I still will be here to maintain.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    WOW, you do have alot on your plate. I'm pretty new here but have found folks to be very supportive which is awesome. Keep plugging away!
  • Dawnsdream
    There is alot of support here for me to from my friends. Somedays I would not make it without there encouragement. Like today. My husband went walking with me yesterday and he lost alot of weight like 160 pounds and Now he walks circles around me. he walked like 4.5 or 5. mph with me yesterday. my legs are so sore trying to keep up with him. We walked 2 miles twice yesterday. Then took down all the cabinets in my kitchen and gutted it out to remodel it. My back , legs and everywhere is sore. He pushes me to walk faster. But it drains me so bad. I believe I will stick with my walk at 3 mph. I manage to loose .06 pounds a day and that is good enough for me now.