SO frustrating!!!!!



  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    My frustration comes when I politely decline eating anything other than what I bring for myself, and people seem to get upset. I am always asked if I want to have any food ordered for me from where ever they are choosing to eat that day, and sadly I always have to say no. Today I was asked this question and I stated that I didn't want to order anything and the reply I got was, "WHY? What is wrong with you?" Obviously nothing is wrong with me! I didn't go into the whole I'm on a diet explanation...I simply said that I had brought my lunch and I was going to eat that instead. When people question me about why I am eating certain things or why I'm counting my calories or whatever the case may be, people always seem so upset when I say that I'm on a diet or I'm trying to lose some weight and it gets very frustrating!!

    When they ask "what is wrong with you?" Look them up and down in an obviously judgemental manner, then smile and say "nothing". Or you can be more blunt and tell them that just because they've let themselves go doesn't mean everyone should.

    Haha! I can't relate because I work in an environment where people actually eat healthy and support each other.
  • prettylolita
    prettylolita Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in college and have times when I eat, I use to take a lunch to class and eat it...
  • prettylolita
    prettylolita Posts: 29 Member
    I know it can make you upset, but I really like some of the ideas what people have started here. Over time your co-workers will stop talking, at my job I'm known as the healthy girl and people know I don't play. Though I do have pizza and snacks sometimes. It will improve with time. I promise.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    I'm always just sitting there watching everyone eat their delicious looking food while I eat my not so appealing low-calorie lunch. This is just the way that it has to be for me and I am fine with that!
    Sounds like the first step is to pack better lunches! The lunch I packed today included strawberries drizzled in dark chocolate which were very yummy! Change the dynamic. Make them feel bad they're overpaying for some greasy takeout while you have something really delicious. :)
    sadly I always have to say no
    If you crave it, you could always ask for a favorite appetizer or small plate once a week? That might help satiate your cravings, and a small weekly take-out shouldn't sabotage your week.
    "WHY? What is wrong with you?"
    "Isn't it obvious? This tastes better, is healthier, and costs less." :)