2000 Calorie Deficit



  • tjw00
    tjw00 Posts: 18 Member
    There will always be those ready to quote arcane University studies and use scare tactics. There is only one expert on your body : you. There is only one benchmark on how your body is responding to training: how you feel. Once again, I ran huge calorie deficits in the beginning of my training and tore through fat in the beginning. Once those initial gains were achieved, i had to be more careful, and my body told to be careful with feedback of tiredness and runner "blahs" the next day.

    Listen to your body, not some University study.
  • msukjstm
    msukjstm Posts: 6 Member
    I walk 3 miles a day (to and from work) and do an hour of weights followed by a min of 30 mins jogging. Ive dropped 4.5 stone until now but it's really starting to slow up...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I walk 3 miles a day (to and from work) and do an hour of weights followed by a min of 30 mins jogging. Ive dropped 4.5 stone until now but it's really starting to slow up...

    check your logging...if your weight loss is slowing you are eating more than you think....and with so little weight left you should be reverse dieting now...which means slowly upping your calories to maitenance.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    There will always be those ready to quote arcane University studies and use scare tactics. There is only one expert on your body : you. There is only one benchmark on how your body is responding to training: how you feel. Once again, I ran huge calorie deficits in the beginning of my training and tore through fat in the beginning. Once those initial gains were achieved, i had to be more careful, and my body told to be careful with feedback of tiredness and runner "blahs" the next day.

    Listen to your body, not some University study.

    If only that damned science stuff actually worked or made sense .... oh, wait .... it does.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I'm in the same boat too.... (6'3, 230lb) and eating 1540/day (according to MFP) with 4.5 mi running daily.. I tried the tdee -20% and I was gaining again

    scooby is showing (with no exercise) BMR 2152 / TDEE 2582 / daily goal of 2065

    I can see the 1k burned/day, my running estimates about 800-850, so toss on a couple strength things and you can hit that I think.

    I can't believe that everyone is logging incorrectly

    It's a very common problem. Already there's a formula that says net running calories burned = .63 X weight (lbs) X distance (miles) = .63 x 230 x 4.5 = 650 ish. It may not be 100% accurate for everyone but hey, it's something. Food calories if you want to know if you're logging accurately you'd need to open up your diary. Skilled loggers can usually tell when something sticks out a bit and the numbers don't look right and can help you

    Settings -> Diary Settings -> Diary Sharing (Select Public) -> Save Changes

    Forgive me if you were just randomly commenting and are ok with your progress. I just woke up :)
  • msukjstm
    msukjstm Posts: 6 Member
    Diary's now open :)
  • msukjstm
    msukjstm Posts: 6 Member
    Turns out it was just a bit of a stall...had a "whoosh day" and dropped 6lb over night. Seem's to be a recurring theme now. Drops steady for a week or 2, then stalls for 3/4 then a big drop over night (usually after a drink or cheat day)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Turns out it was just a bit of a stall...had a "whoosh day" and dropped 6lb over night. Seem's to be a recurring theme now. Drops steady for a week or 2, then stalls for 3/4 then a big drop over night (usually after a drink or cheat day)

    This happens to me too. I will be steady for a couple of weeks then I get a big drop.