Food Theivery at the Office



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    1. Talk to your supervisor or HR or to whomever you're supposed to report stuff like this. Perhaps suggest that they send out a memo to remind everyone that whatever is in the fridge is not free for the taking. Is there by any chance a new employee who isn't aware that the things in the fridge are not provided by the company and do, in fact, belong to other people?

    2. If it happens again, stop putting things you don't want to share in the fridge. Yeah, it sucks that people can't be grown-ups and keep their hands off other people's things, but the world is what it is.

    3. If this is a rampant issue and the company isn't actively working to fix it, think about looking elsewhere for employment. I wouldn't work at a place where my co-workers steal from me and my bosses do nothing about it, even if it is "just food." What's next, they can steal your personal belongings from your office?

    I'm thinking number 3 is probably the one to go with... I did have $600 stolen out of my purse once. I never carried cash with me again after that happened... it was awful. I mean, at the time I was having to walk to work because I didn't have a car, I just bought a cell phone (which I was phoneless for 6 months before that). I'm just done. I think that is why i made this such a big deal... because it's like the final straw on the camel's back.
    Did you report the cash? I would have raised hell over that one... $600 is a lot of cash...

    Yes, but it was before we installed cameras and the culprit was never found. There have been other instances that have frustrated me here as well. Twice they wanted to take $200-$400 out of my pay to compensate for missing medical supplies because I was the one who had signed for them. I WAS THE RECEPTIONIST!!! I WAS REQUIRED TO SIGN FOR ALL PACKAGES!!! After that I set up a system where everyone must sign for packages received from me that I had signed for. This document placed all responsibility for packages and their contents to the person who I gave the package to and no longer made me accountable... I know that paints me in a negative light but $400 dollars was almost an entire two weeks paycheck (after insurance and taxes) I couldn't afford that crap! Especially since I forwarded the package to the correct person and they mishandled the contents, not I... grrrr

    So much ranting today. So much anger... I mush zen. Maybe it's my lack of coffee...?

    Go outside and breath our ozone filled air in the nice 70ish degree weather (hurry before it gets to 90!)...
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    i do not use the fridges at work.. i use ice packs in my lunch box... people have had their lunches taken and the fridges get pretty gross because being adults folks do not know how to keep hands off or clean up after themselves...
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I've had it happen a few times. It made me mad at first, but then I figured maybe they needed it more than I did. How bad would it suck to be hungry at work all day because you couldn't afford lunch? So it doesn't make me mad anymore, although sometimes it makes me sad, for whoever took it and sometimes for me, if I was really looking forward to whatever I brought.

    Maybe so, but I don't know because I am one of the lowest paid employees in the office and brought everyone pastries yesterday, enough for everyone to have 1-2 each to try and boost morale during a stressful time at our office.

    Secondly, it's one thing to be hungry and take a sandwich, it's another to take some sandwiches, and then leave the rest out overnight so that they go bad.

    I wish I were a good enough person to be understanding but I am not. I mean, if they would have asked I would have shared. But now I don't have any breakfast and that is money wasted.

    I totally understand, OP. I think ^^ is a really awesome and kindhearted approach but I also think your response ^ is completely and totally valid.

    That said, I would be freaking crazy p***ed off about this happening. Depending on the culture of your office, I would either send out a mass email...keeping it professional yet blunt...or go straight to supervisors/HR. I know a lot of people probably feel my approach would be way too extreme or like a tattletale. But I feel that this is actually theft. That's not a small thing. Yes it might be a reach, but I think that a person who will steal someone's breakfast sandwiches will steal other things, and I think that a person who will carelessly leave the entire package out on the counter could be making careless (costly) mistakes in other ways in the workplace too. I definitely don't think this should be swept under the rug lest it happen again (and again) in the future.

    Thank you! I appreciate the sympathizing! lol. We have had theft issues in the past so it definitely should be addressed. Between money, phones, make up, office materials, or sweets and treats. It is money lost and causes poor morale in the office.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    So I now feel justified. A coworker asked if I had anymore treats and I informed her that I would no longer be bringing free sweets and treats from my other job in response to the lack of respect for me and that which belongs to me. If anyone is in need then they can approach me privately and I will see if I can't bring them things to help them and their families if necessary. Aside from that I will no longer be provided them with these things and they can thank the person/people who managed to ruin it for everyone.

    BOOM!!! Victory is mine!!!
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    what burns me most is someone stole my perfect cute little oatmeal bowl. not the lid, just the bowl. :mad: i'm the one that brings all the cupcakes for the monthly bakesales, f****r! you had to steal from ME???
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    what burns me most is someone stole my perfect cute little oatmeal bowl. not the lid, just the bowl. :mad: i'm the one that brings all the cupcakes for the monthly bakesales, f****r! you had to steal from ME???

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I am in an office building with over 40 floors.

    Not everyone brings food every day, but some people bring 4-5 boxes of Hot Pockets or 3 Frozen meals. Sometimes I eat the same frozen meals. I always labeled mine with my name.

    I think people don't mind using other people's condiments thinking it's "free for all."

    But I'm a B about my creamer!!

    I agree with people leaving things:
    Little Billy is selling Cookie Dough - Bob buys 4 containers. Forgets them in the freezer (tiny fridge) for MONTHS.
    Little Suzie is the Girl Scout Cookie queen -- parent puts cookies in freezer for coworker purchaser
    Those stupid (I don't' like them) pastry log things shaped like French bread loaves

    I am the fridge Nazi. If I see it on Monday and it's there on Friday .... I'm tossing it.
    BUT - I will dump Tupperware and rinse it. I hate when I don't have my containers. (see, I'm nice!)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Next time you put food in the refrigerator put a note on it that says may contain mice poop. Bet no one touches it. LOL
  • ZaftigBetty
    ZaftigBetty Posts: 86 Member

  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member



    :laugh: I love the moldy bread!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I have uesd the syrup of ipecac trick myself.
    I bought a box of chocolate covered cherries and put a big "DO NOT TOUCH" sign on the box.
    I injected each cherry with the syrup.
    It's all fun and games until the puking starts.
    from two people.

    For some reason, the food thefts stopped.
  • tlangenfeld
    tlangenfeld Posts: 2,330 Member
    what burns me most is someone stole my perfect cute little oatmeal bowl. not the lid, just the bowl. :mad: i'm the one that brings all the cupcakes for the monthly bakesales, f****r! you had to steal from ME???

    I know what you mean mank32 last time I brought something for the potluck we had at work someone took my whole contanier. Sad thing is it came from the dollar tree cost $1 and if they needed it that bad I would of given them it but NNOO they had to steal it
  • nsimon24
    nsimon24 Posts: 115 Member
    If you ever need a laugh, and a way of gaining revenge for candy-thieves at the office, check out the reviews on Amazon for the five-pound bags of Haribo Sugar-free gummy bears. I do have it on the authority of a friend who purchased some at a truck stop while on a road trip that the reviews are true. She was a newly-diagnosed diabetic and needed a road snack - they were two days late arriving to their gig....

    Just don't consume any liquids while reading the reviews (some are creative writing, others are verified), and do not read anyplace you can't laugh out loud!
  • Kitty70f9
    Kitty70f9 Posts: 30 Member
    I used to pump and store in the office fridge. I kept very good track of what I pumped, as I always had a low output when pumping. So I noticed when about an ounce went missing. Guess someone used it as creamer or something. Pissed me off. I dumped it just in case, so the whole thing was wasted.
  • fwmdgfat
    fwmdgfat Posts: 11 Member
    Wow! I don't feel so bad now, I work for a health care facility and everyone there makes good money (obviously not an issue) and I'm amazed at what people will take on a daily basis, containers and all. Meanwhile, at least once a month some good soul goes thru the fridge and throws out the green and black stuff, why don't these people eat this stuff? People are crazy is all I can say!