Low carb diet anyone?



  • lindabuckiewicz
    lindabuckiewicz Posts: 15 Member
    I don't necessarily advocate low carb; the type of carbs make the difference; I try to avoid the "white" carbs: potatoes, rice, white flour most processed foods. I eat whole grains, veggies, fruits and notice that this aids in my weight loss.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I've been in a pretty consistent state of ketosis for the past 2 months. Weight loss has slowed within the past month, as expected as I get closer to goal weight. I went from around 146 starting to my current weight of 130 with low carb eating. Started out very low - 20-30grams/day and am now at around 45-60grams/day total carbs. Now that I am getting closer to my goal weight, I will cycle - eat low during the week, then allow several higher carb meals (starchy meals) on the weekends. This helps me avoid throwing in the towel and gives some variety to my meals.

    There's a lot of misinformation out there about low carbing. It's not dangerous. Nor is the state of ketosis. LC is helpful for those who need to maintain control of blood sugar levels or have had a difficult time with standard low fat dieting. Because LC diets are fairly high fat / protein, there is a greater sense of satiety from meals. This is extremely helpful for those, like myself, who had considerable problems with higher carb diets leaving them hungry most all the time. It's also helpful to bust sugar addiction.

    Energy-wise, it's led to a greater level of energy for me. I currently lift 3x per week, take one dance class, and run 2-3 times per week - 3-4 miles per run, avg. 9:00 mile. So to say that ketosis leads to low energy levels is not true at all in my case. Quite the opposite. So either I'm superhuman, or ketosis isn't as bad as it's perceived.

    I also have a clean bill of health from my doctor. Woo hoo.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I've been in a pretty consistent state of ketosis for the past 2 months. Weight loss has slowed within the past month, as expected as I get closer to goal weight. I went from around 146 starting to my current weight of 130 with low carb eating. Started out very low - 20-30grams/day and am now at around 45-60grams/day total carbs. Now that I am getting closer to my goal weight, I will cycle - eat low during the week, then allow several higher carb meals (starchy meals) on the weekends. This helps me avoid throwing in the towel and gives some variety to my meals.

    There's a lot of misinformation out there about low carbing. It's not dangerous. Nor is the state of ketosis. LC is helpful for those who need to maintain control of blood sugar levels or have had a difficult time with standard low fat dieting. Because LC diets are fairly high fat / protein, there is a greater sense of satiety from meals. This is extremely helpful for those, like myself, who had considerable problems with higher carb diets leaving them hungry most all the time. It's also helpful to bust sugar addiction.

    Energy-wise, it's led to a greater level of energy for me. I currently lift 3x per week, take one dance class, and run 2-3 times per week - 3-4 miles per run, avg. 9:00 mile. So to say that ketosis leads to low energy levels is not true at all in my case. Quite the opposite. So either I'm superhuman, or ketosis isn't as bad as it's perceived.

    I also have a clean bill of health from my doctor. Woo hoo.

    I concur as I feel the same way!!!

    Now I truly believe that people are confusing ketosis with the diabetic condition ketoacidosis, which the 2 are very, very, very different.

    One is a medical emergency and the other is a natural fat burning state.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I've been in a pretty consistent state of ketosis for the past 2 months. Weight loss has slowed within the past month, as expected as I get closer to goal weight. I went from around 146 starting to my current weight of 130 with low carb eating. Started out very low - 20-30grams/day and am now at around 45-60grams/day total carbs. Now that I am getting closer to my goal weight, I will cycle - eat low during the week, then allow several higher carb meals (starchy meals) on the weekends. This helps me avoid throwing in the towel and gives some variety to my meals.

    There's a lot of misinformation out there about low carbing. It's not dangerous. Nor is the state of ketosis. LC is helpful for those who need to maintain control of blood sugar levels or have had a difficult time with standard low fat dieting. Because LC diets are fairly high fat / protein, there is a greater sense of satiety from meals. This is extremely helpful for those, like myself, who had considerable problems with higher carb diets leaving them hungry most all the time. It's also helpful to bust sugar addiction.

    Energy-wise, it's led to a greater level of energy for me. I currently lift 3x per week, take one dance class, and run 2-3 times per week - 3-4 miles per run, avg. 9:00 mile. So to say that ketosis leads to low energy levels is not true at all in my case. Quite the opposite. So either I'm superhuman, or ketosis isn't as bad as it's perceived.

    I also have a clean bill of health from my doctor. Woo hoo.

    I concur as I feel the same way!!!

    Now I truly believe that people are confusing ketosis with the diabetic condition ketoacidosis, which the 2 are very, very, very different.

    One is a medical emergency and the other is a natural fat burning state.

    Even nutrition students and dietitians can't seem to grasp the difference. It's either extremely biased or lacking education for them, as most qualified endocrinologists will set you straight on the real difference between the two.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I've been in a pretty consistent state of ketosis for the past 2 months. Weight loss has slowed within the past month, as expected as I get closer to goal weight. I went from around 146 starting to my current weight of 130 with low carb eating. Started out very low - 20-30grams/day and am now at around 45-60grams/day total carbs. Now that I am getting closer to my goal weight, I will cycle - eat low during the week, then allow several higher carb meals (starchy meals) on the weekends. This helps me avoid throwing in the towel and gives some variety to my meals.

    There's a lot of misinformation out there about low carbing. It's not dangerous. Nor is the state of ketosis. LC is helpful for those who need to maintain control of blood sugar levels or have had a difficult time with standard low fat dieting. Because LC diets are fairly high fat / protein, there is a greater sense of satiety from meals. This is extremely helpful for those, like myself, who had considerable problems with higher carb diets leaving them hungry most all the time. It's also helpful to bust sugar addiction.

    Energy-wise, it's led to a greater level of energy for me. I currently lift 3x per week, take one dance class, and run 2-3 times per week - 3-4 miles per run, avg. 9:00 mile. So to say that ketosis leads to low energy levels is not true at all in my case. Quite the opposite. So either I'm superhuman, or ketosis isn't as bad as it's perceived.

    I also have a clean bill of health from my doctor. Woo hoo.

    I concur as I feel the same way!!!

    Now I truly believe that people are confusing ketosis with the diabetic condition ketoacidosis, which the 2 are very, very, very different.

    One is a medical emergency and the other is a natural fat burning state.

    Even nutrition students and dietitians can't seem to grasp the difference. It's either extremely biased or lacking education for them, as most qualified endocrinologists will set you straight on the real difference between the two.

    Very true!!! I think it is mostly bias as society is conditioned to think that plans such as Atkins, South Beach and the Paleo plans are just fads and gimmicks.

    I am actually sitting here listening to Michael Pollan video now at work and I love his philosophy!!
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    luvbnamom - do you track your fats? saturated or good fats?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    luvbnamom - do you track your fats? saturated or good fats?

    I am on the same plan as luvbnamom and she shouldn't be tracking fats.

    The whole premise of doing the Primal Blue Print is to eat natural Protein, fat and carbs from veggies, fruit, nuts and seeds.

    There is no need to count anything, just eat until you are full and satisfied.

    Primal Blue Print is higher fat, moderate protein and very low carb (0-50 grams per day) when you are trying to lose weight.
  • luvbnamom - do you track your fats? saturated or good fats?

    No I do not. My nutritionist informed me that good fats, are good for the body. I mean to the point where she DOESN NOT want me to use margarine-but real butter, kinda fat lovin. If you get the primal blue print book you can read all about how bad carbs destroy your body with diabetes, cancers, and other ailments and how fat helps your body.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    luvbnamom - do you track your fats? saturated or good fats?

    No I do not. My nutritionist informed me that good fats, are good for the body. I mean to the point where she DOESN NOT want me to use margarine-but real butter, kinda fat lovin. If you get the primal blue print book you can read all about how bad carbs destroy your body with diabetes, cancers, and other ailments and how fat helps your body.

    Yes, bad fats also do that.............Vegetable Oils (Corn, Vegetable, Canola, Peanut oils) aka The Polyunsaturated Fats they keep trying to tell you is so good for you are not!! Stay far, far away from Margarine and all those "heart healthy" spreads. You might as well melt plastic and pour it on your food!!

    The only fats we should be eating are animal fats (chicken skin, fat on steak, butter), Coconut Oil, other Tropical Oils, oils from nuts and seeds and Olive Oil.

    people can't wrap their head around it because the "low fat" mantra has been beat into people's heads and no one wants to open their eyes to the truth.
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    Just an update lost 8lbs in 2 weeks!!!
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