Activity Level - Working out 7 Days a week

Hey all,

I've been using myfitnesspal correctly for a month now and have shifted an amazing 13lbs, which is a result I never thought I would see in such a short space of time!

I work a desk job but exercise every day burning anything between 300 - 700 calories, with cardio 5 x a week, and weights 2 days a week.

My settings are currently at sedentary, I always eat back at least half if not all my exercise calories meaning I am eating around 1400 - 1700 calories a day.

I would like to know what others have set their activity level at, how much exercise you do, and if you eat your exercise calories back?

Thanks for your help guys! :)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    okay so your base calories are at 1200...let me guess you chose 2lbs a week...with 26lbs in total that should have been 1/2lb a week and esp now.

    I have my activity level set at lightly active even with a desk job cause I am a mom and a way do I sit much...

    I exercise 5x a week...3x lifting, 2x HIIT or a walk, bike ride etc.

    When I used NEAT method yes I ate them back...all of them...and still lost 3/4lb a week...I only had 30 left to go...

    You need to have a rest day in there need to set your weight loss goal at 1/2lb a week because as it stands now you are losing fat and muscle..regardless of your exercise...
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    No, my base calories are 1370 which I changed yesterday down from 1450, I didn't choose 2 lbs a week, I chose 1lb a week because that's a sustainable loss. The only reason my loss has been so drastic is because I am doing a 100 day fitness challenge where I am exercising daily at the moment and I actually have quite a bit of weight to loose.

    Thank you for your advice regarding changing my goal to 1/2 lb a week, I may well do this. As I want to be strong and fit, losing the weight is just a happy plus :)

    I was just hoping to receive more advice regarding people's activity level settings :)
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I'm at maintenance now but I keep my activity level set at sedentary. I work out 6-7 days a week as well (3 strength training and the other days are some type of cardio) but I have an office job where I sit the rest of the time. Good luck on your journey!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    If you are following the MFP "eat back exercise calories" method then your exercise is entirely separate from your activity level. You set your activity level according to your job and your lifestyle.

    I'm burning about 6000 exercise calories a week at the moment (I'm a cyclist) but my activity level is sedentary as my job is a mouse jockey.

    If you are losing weight too fast then eat back more of your exercise calories. I eat back all my exercise calories - ones you have earned taste the best!

    (ETA - to correct brain fade....)
  • Catfriend25
    Catfriend25 Posts: 95
    You're lucky! I've been working out 7 days a week for over a month, 2000 calories a day, and I eat 1500 calories a day (but the calorie deficit is a myth - weight loss is based on how the body stores fat, genetics, and loads of other factors) and my weight has remained exactly the same. If my weight still hasn't budged by the 2 month mark, I'm going to go back to being completely sedentary. Why bother to exercise if I'm not any healthier?
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    @mitchiejo - Thank you for your advice, good luck with yours! :)
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    If you are following the MFP "eat back exercise calories" method then your exercise is entirely separate from your planned exercise. You set your activity level according to your job and your lifestyle.

    I'm burning about 6000 exercise calories a week at the moment (I'm a cyclist) but my activity level is sedentary as my job is a mouse jockey.

    If you are losing weight too fast then eat back more of your exercise calories. I eat back all my exercise calories - ones you have earned taste the best!

    Thank you, this is the advice I was looking to gain. I am currently set as sedentary and I do eat my exercise calories back pretty much every day unless I've burned 800 plus because those calories I just can't fit in even if I'm pushing! haha!

    I think the best route to take is to keep my settings as sedentary due to my motionless job *type type*, and then add my exercise calories as I'm doing :)
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    You're lucky! I've been working out 7 days a week for over a month, 2000 calories a day, and I eat 1500 calories a day (but the calorie deficit is a myth - weight loss is based on how the body stores fat, genetics, and loads of other factors) and my weight has remained exactly the same. If my weight still hasn't budged by the 2 month mark, I'm going to go back to being completely sedentary. Why bother to exercise if I'm not any healthier?

    I think even if you're not losing doing exercising and increasing your fitness levels is a really important thing, it fills you with energy, encourages you to eat properly and the goals you can achieve - running further, lifting heavier etc are so amazing! You can create new PBs on a daily basis. Maybe the weight isn't coming off the scale, but it is in inches? Have you tried measuring?

    Good Luck!
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! I'd eat about 70-80% of my workout calories back unless you're using a heart-rate monitor to calculate your burn. MFP tends to overestimate. Also take a rest day. Even an active rest day where you just go for a walk, or do something light like Yoga or Pilates. It will help your muscles repair after a week of working out, and you need to give your muscles that time to heal. Exercise creates micro tears in your muscle and those need to heal to build lean mass. Over-exertion can lead to injury.

    I personally workout six days a week. One of those days is a light workout day, and Sunday (my technical full rest day) I still walk my dog and make sure I reach 10,000 steps on my Fitbit. I have my activity level set to lightly active because I'm a sales assistant and on my feet most of the day. Also because I make sure I reach my 10,000 steps most days.

    EDIT: Also well done on having your attitude of being wanting to be fit and healthy rather than an ideal body type! People like you make the forums less head-wrecking :D
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    No, my base calories are 1370 which I changed yesterday down from 1450, I didn't choose 2 lbs a week, I chose 1lb a week because that's a sustainable loss. The only reason my loss has been so drastic is because I am doing a 100 day fitness challenge where I am exercising daily at the moment and I actually have quite a bit of weight to loose.

    Thank you for your advice regarding changing my goal to 1/2 lb a week, I may well do this. As I want to be strong and fit, losing the weight is just a happy plus :)

    I was just hoping to receive more advice regarding people's activity level settings :)

    in my original response, guess you missed this part...
    I have my activity level set at lightly active even with a desk job cause I am a mom and a way do I sit much...

    I exercise 5x a week...3x lifting, 2x HIIT or a walk, bike ride etc.

    When I used NEAT method yes I ate them back...all of them...and still lost 3/4lb a week...I only had 30 left to go...

    You need to have a rest day in there need to set your weight loss goal at 1/2lb a week because as it stands now you are losing fat and muscle..regardless of your exercise...
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member
    I agree that you should leave it at sedentary. I am at a desk all day as well and even though I work out 5 days a week the description that MFP is referring to is your daily activity level. Us desk jockies are sedentary compared to a waitress per say. Personally I do not eat back my exercise calories on the advice of my trainer. I am trying to lose weight and have my levels set at 1/2 lb a week and 1500 calories a day so the exercise makes the deficit I need to lose. I do log my exercise but change the calories burned to "1" so that I can track my workout time but calories burned does not effect my daily calorie allotment. I guess depending on the amount of calories you burn a day you could eat back a portion of your workout calories but I would not eat them all back if you are still trying to lose weight.
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    Mine activity level is set to sedentary (desk job), set to lost 1/2 lb per week based on my current weight, and I do eat back most of my exercise cals. I work out 5-6 days a week and mix it up between cardio, weights, HIIT, running, etc depending on my mood. I haven't lost weight in a while, but my goal at this point is to get stronger, not to lose. My ticker is set at 1/2 lb per week because that is just a comfortable amount of food for me to eat at this time. It's working for me.
  • 12bfree
    12bfree Posts: 67 Member
    Mine is set at sedentary and I am allotted 1400 calories a week. However, my thirty day average is 1300 calories and my net calories are 901. I do thirty minutes on the treadmill seven days a week at 6.6 mph. I also do weight and strength training for 45 minutes six days a week. I rarely "eat back" the calorie deficit created by exercise. Although I have discovered if my net calories fall below 750, I feel extremely exhausted the following day. As a result, I ensure my net calories remain above 750.

    If you document everything you do as well as your bodies response to it, it will not take long for you to develop an effective routine.
  • Catfriend25
    Catfriend25 Posts: 95
    Thanks Heather! =) Yeah I have not measured my waist ever...don't have a tape measure lol
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    7 days/week? jeezus...take a day or two to rest bro.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    You're lucky! I've been working out 7 days a week for over a month, 2000 calories a day, and I eat 1500 calories a day (but the calorie deficit is a myth - weight loss is based on how the body stores fat, genetics, and loads of other factors) and my weight has remained exactly the same. If my weight still hasn't budged by the 2 month mark, I'm going to go back to being completely sedentary. Why bother to exercise if I'm not any healthier?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You're lucky! I've been working out 7 days a week for over a month, 2000 calories a day, and I eat 1500 calories a day (but the calorie deficit is a myth - weight loss is based on how the body stores fat, genetics, and loads of other factors) and my weight has remained exactly the same. If my weight still hasn't budged by the 2 month mark, I'm going to go back to being completely sedentary. Why bother to exercise if I'm not any healthier?

    I suspect she is being more accurate with logging. It isn't about "luck," it's about being honest with yourself and being meticulous with logging, making sure you are accurate.

    Nice job OP. Also, if you are first starting, some of that 13 pounds was water weight, so don't get discouraged if it's not as high next month .
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I agree that you should leave it at sedentary. I am at a desk all day as well and even though I work out 5 days a week the description that MFP is referring to is your daily activity level. Us desk jockies are sedentary compared to a waitress per say. Personally I do not eat back my exercise calories on the advice of my trainer. I am trying to lose weight and have my levels set at 1/2 lb a week and 1500 calories a day so the exercise makes the deficit I need to lose. I do log my exercise but change the calories burned to "1" so that I can track my workout time but calories burned does not effect my daily calorie allotment. I guess depending on the amount of calories you burn a day you could eat back a portion of your workout calories but I would not eat them all back if you are still trying to lose weight.

    Not necessarily. I work a desk job, but I'm "lightly active." Sedentary means you don't move at all except to go to the bathroom or grab food from the microwave. A waitress or a nurse would likely be "moderately active," since they're on their feet most of their shift, or in some cases, they might be "very active."