Hello my name is ____ and I'm addicted to _____..

Hello my name is NinjaReed and I'm addicted to cheese & starchy carbs (and vodka...not gonna lie :blushing:).

This is my 3947th time around trying to lose these stubborn 25ish lbs from my gut once and for all. I eat a mostly low carb/primalish type diet normally due to some issues with wheat/yeast, etc. but I enjoy junk food too much and can't keep the lbs off.

Now I'm just trying to focus on cutting out the sugar and keeping my carbs in the 50g-ish range, eating whole foods, and getting to the gym at least 3 times a week for some light cardio/weights. I'd love to meet some people doing a similar type diet to keep myself on track!

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself as I have been board stalking all of you for quite a while now! :bigsmile:


  • Dalton1720
    Dalton1720 Posts: 104
    Hello my name is Blake and Im addicted to chocolate!
    Good luck! Im sure you'll meet your goal in no time! <3
    I do eat wheat and lots of complex carbs from fruit and as for working out I do HIIT everyday,
    but hopefully we can still support one another on our ultimate goal, losing weight. (Even if our plans are a bit different) (:
  • ollie809
    ollie809 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello people im Ollie and im addicted to food!!!! i love feeling full and love all types of food that will get me there!

    i try and exercise every day but 3 times a week should be a minimum for everyone. losing weight is a hard thing but with some good support and websites like this we can all do it. Lets take our time and support each other! also Blake thats an awesome top!
  • Dalton1720
    Dalton1720 Posts: 104
    Haha oh, thank you! :D
  • ninjareed
    ninjareed Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Blake and Ollie! Nice to meet you both! Chocolate is definately up there on my list too!! :love:

    It's nice to have postiive people to chat with during this process that can be frustrating. No matter how differently we are all going about reaching our goals.