Started Lifting... Stopped Losing??

Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member

I started in January basically doing a lot of cardio, eating clean, and counting all my calories. I went from 158 to 143. About 4 weeks ago I started lifting. Full body workouts, three days a week, and light cardio three days a week.

When I initially lost the weight, I was at a 1000/day deficit. Since I started lifting I lowered it to between 750 and 500 / day deficit. I know that Im not gonna lose as fast as I was, and that muscles retain water when you work out, but 4 weeks and NO CHANGE?! I dont get it. I took measurements and they are pretty much all the same too. How long until I start seeing even the TINIEST results?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well with 15lbs to go a deficet of maybe 250 is good...

    As for the do see water and glycogen stores after starting any new can take 4-6 weeks to go...

    But then the question is do you log accurately? weight solids? measure liquids?

    Do you log exercise and eat back burns? if so how many?

    I've gone 4weeks without losing a thing in the middle of lifting...then wooshhhhhhhh
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    well with 15lbs to go a deficet of maybe 250 is good...

    As for the do see water and glycogen stores after starting any new can take 4-6 weeks to go...

    But then the question is do you log accurately? weight solids? measure liquids?

    Do you log exercise and eat back burns? if so how many?

    I've gone 4weeks without losing a thing in the middle of lifting...then wooshhhhhhhh

  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I haven't lost yet since I've been lifting and it's been several months. However, I have lost inches and I went down a pants size. I decided to stop worrying about the scale and concentrate on PR's in the gym.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    well with 15lbs to go a deficet of maybe 250 is good...

    As for the do see water and glycogen stores after starting any new can take 4-6 weeks to go...

    But then the question is do you log accurately? weight solids? measure liquids?

    Do you log exercise and eat back burns? if so how many?

    I've gone 4weeks without losing a thing in the middle of lifting...then wooshhhhhhhh

    nailed it.

    don't let the water weight and retaining hold you back- or the "whoosssshhhh" it's hard- but stick with it.
  • Ayla121
    Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
    Yes I log everything accurately. I weigh EVERYTHING and log even a teaspoon of ketchup or 1 beer. I guess Im just being impatient. I was just so excited when the scale was dropping 2lbs every week then nothing.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    ive pretty much been putting off running for this reason, i know ill retain more water and i wont see results for like a month. kind of dumb i know but im going to wait until im under 200 when weight loss is a little less important
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Yes I log everything accurately. I weigh EVERYTHING and log even a teaspoon of ketchup or 1 beer. I guess Im just being impatient. I was just so excited when the scale was dropping 2lbs every week then nothing.

    Trust me, I understand! I started lifting about 3 weeks's tough seeing the number bounce around, but it's just water and it'll eventually work itself out.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    Drink more water, make sure you are logging properly and be patient. I didn't lose anything for a few weeks - but now it's happening again.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Maybe I'm reading this wrong. I've had way too much sugar today. However, are you saying your only eating 500-750 calories a day or your eating more but at a less deficit than before? I'm confused and on a sugar high. Please clarify.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Stick with it.

    I recently had to take a medical break and do no exercise. About 4 weeks ago I was able to get started again. A few weeks, I gained a pound a a day according to the scale after doing hard cardio 4 days a week and lifting 3 days a week. I would go up and then lose a few pounds in a day.

    This week all those extra pounds that were sticking around came off and I've settled back into my new regular low. It can be soooo frustrating but it WILL pay off.
  • PaperStreetHouse
    PaperStreetHouse Posts: 5 Member
    I've spent the last four months lifting weights and eating at maintenance. I haven't lost weight on the scale, but I've lost body fat. I'm wearing clothes I wore when I weighed 15 lbs less than I do now. I am just now starting a deficit so that I can get the process going a little more quickly, but I also weigh more than you do. Keep doing the right things and you will see results. I didn't see much my first two weeks either, but the body I have now and the body I had just four months ago are NOT the same. Keep going, keep lifting.
  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Do you measure as well as weigh? I started lifting about 2.5 months ago (3-day split). My weight loss stalled/slowed for a while, but I did lose inches (I measure once a month).
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Maybe I'm reading this wrong. I've had way too much sugar today. However, are you saying your only eating 500-750 calories a day or your eating more but at a less deficit than before? I'm confused and on a sugar high. Please clarify.

    That's their deficit
  • Ayla121
    Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
    Lol. A DEFICIT of 500-750 a day. I could NEVER eat that little.
  • Ayla121
    Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
    And thank you all for your info. I was getting really discouraged. Ill just stick with what Im doing and be more patient.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^It will come. When I started Crossfit my weight didn't change much for the first few months but I knew I was getting stronger and my clothes fit better.

    When I focused on diet more closely is when the weight started coming off. Keep up what you are doing, keep tweaking things until you find the sweet spot that YOUR body is most comfortable with.

    You will know when you find it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Lol. A DEFICIT of 500-750 a day. I could NEVER eat that little.

    That's well over 1500 for me- I'm netting an average of 1200- and looking back I'm consistently in the total consumed 16-1800 range. Edit- to say that netting 1200 is well under normal- but I"m functioning fine on a short time line for a specific reason. I'm 5'8" at 170... it's do-able without starving yourself. I eat very well for someone who is eating so little.

    LOL- so I guess what I"m saying 500 deficit just isn't THAT little.