Smoke Free and Gaining

Hey MFP buds! I havent been on my fitness pal in about 2 months...gained back about 5 out of the 8 lbs I had lost, however, I quit smoking April 1st! It has been 1 month since my quit date, and I am ready to go right back to where I left off with my food choices, and DAILY exercise. Gaining that amount of weight back isn't the end of the world. Now that I am one month smoke free- it's time to kick it in to high gear baby!

If anyone else can give their input on how they handled their weight after quitting, it would be very helpful and motivating for me!!


  • stevee290
    stevee290 Posts: 85 Member
    I wasn't strong enough to quit and diet at the same time so I just ate everything and gained 15 pounds, I would suggest lots of cardio it's nice reminder of the damage to your lungs and justifies eating/snacking when you get a craving.
  • EllieWool
    EllieWool Posts: 12
    I gained about 24 lbs when I quit smoking and have managed to lose about 14lbs but I'm just back from my holiday and so find myself with about 17lbs to lose again. I think it is just one of those things that is the trade off for giving up smoking - a lot of people do get back down to their pre quit weights- I'm just not one of them,,,but I won't stop trying!
    I think if you can find something else to do in the evenings other than snack (its what I do wrong!) that will help!

    Good Luck