crap at work for wearing "Gym clothes" and eating at my desk

A little about myself:

I work in a business district where everyone at my work dresses business casual, here in SoCal weather. It is common practice to see people running around in the streets with gym clothes, casual, business clothes with running shoes.

I just finished the Biggest Loser competition at work (10 weeks) in first place but I'm still somewhat continuing my normal routine. I usually go for a walk or jog during lunch and then eat at my desk right after. I work in IT so I can't wear heels as a lady who may need to haul some equipment. I have to be wearing comfortable enough clothes. I have a workout buddy during lunch and she has been working here for 10 years. I just started last year. She wears a t shirt for longer periods of time than I do but she didn't get crap for it.

I wear something like this to work:

(sorry this picture was taken online but it was the best description I could find)

I walk outside and remove my sweater. I come back inside for 5 minutes and cool off every time. Then I put my sweater back on. I never wore shorts to work (absolutely against the rules), and my boss told me just recently that someone told him that I was wearing gym clothes to work on a day he wasn't here. I never change how I dress. He's fine with how I dress but he told me that I should look into this.

On top of that I was told to stop eating at my desk while I work (everyone does this all the time) and to hide my gym shoes where it can't be seen. I have a good relationship with everyone in my office but I don't know why I got this crap from anonymous people.

I know I may be overreacting but it really hit me hard since no one has told me and it just hit me like someone was super offended by the way I dress like in that picture. How should I approach this? I'm trying to brush this off but it made me so upset I skipped out on gym last night (I usually go every day).


  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member

    On top of that I was told to stop eating at my desk while I work (everyone does this all the time) and to hide my gym shoes where it can't be seen. I have a good relationship with everyone in my office but I don't know why I got this crap from anonymous people.

    I know I may be overreacting but it really hit me hard since no one has told me and it just hit me like someone was super offended by the way I dress like in that picture. How should I approach this? I'm trying to brush this off but it made me so upset I skipped out on gym last night (I usually go every day).

    I too recently received grief at work about eating microwaved foods at my desk as they "smell" (yeah smell delicious.) So now I spend 15-20 minutes in the morning eating in the break room because someone didn't like the smell of my breakfast sausage.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    Someone sounds jealous that you won. Maybe consider changing from gym shoes into work shoes at the car? Don't let it get you down or make you stop what you're doing. Life is going to throw obstacles at you all the time and you have to roll with the punches. Just don't slack and keep vigilant about looking "proper" or whatever for a while and hopefully this will all blow over.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Sounds like petty jealousy - perhaps from one of the BL contestants who didn't finish first. Comply with your boss' directive, but don't let that stop you from your routine. If you do let it interfere, the other person won. So kisk some jealous *kitten* and get back to the gym, jog, whatever. Best wishes!
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    I too recently received grief at work about eating microwaved foods at my desk as they "smell" (yeah smell delicious.) So now I spend 15-20 minutes in the morning eating in the break room because someone didn't like the smell of my breakfast sausage.

    What you may find delicious, others may not. The smell of tea makes me feel sick for example -- if someone was sat next to me and drank it, I would have to move away. Maybe your microwaved food has the same effect on one of your co-workers as tea does on me. Or perhaps someone just doesn't want you to eat at your desk (are you a noisy eater?) and mentioning the smell was seen as a nicer thing to say than the real reason.

    (Edit for typo. Apparently I have Easter on the brain!)
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member

    ugh, where do you work? Concrete walls and drop ceiling. Looks like an institution. They should have no beef with your clothes if that's the ambience.

    I'm kind of a jerk, but I would ignore everything until the source of the complaint rears its ugly head and then take my revenge. It sounds like 1 or 2 people have a grudge against you. They'll out themselves eventually.

    Plus, how dumb is it to mess with someone in IT. Guess they don't like having email and the internet.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    People get jealous of others. Could be they are jealous of your success - or you indirectly make them feel guilty about their own choices.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    haters gonna hate. ;)

    I wouldn't stop doing what you're doing. it sounds fine. your boss has no problem with the way you dress. it's just people probably thinking you're trying to show off instead of just trying to take care of yourself.

    I would, however, suggest that if the "gym clothes" complaint is made again, it should include a picture of you, in your gym clothes, in the office. the proof is in the pudding.

    stay strong! don't let them win. your health is worth a little hassle.

    best of luck! :)
  • jeschauvin
    jeschauvin Posts: 20
    Sounds like some people are jealous. If it wasn't jealousy they would have come to you personally to air their grievance. Sometimes people give me a hard time about things. Someone told me I was going to become "one of those weird people" because I said I was weaning myself off sweeteners. If that's weird I welcome myself to that club.

    I love that green cardigan.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member

    I too recently received grief at work about eating microwaved foods at my desk as they "smell" (yeah smell delicious.)

    I don't know...I have to sort of agree with this. I guess depending on your office environment.

    I'm a CPA, and I have clients in my office often and don't particularly appreciate having someone's "reheated leftover Chinese" smell wafting through the vents as I'm trying to discuss taxes. Especially if you have a designated break room available.

    Then again, I'm not petty enough to squabble over it either.
  • iuhoosiergirl25
    iuhoosiergirl25 Posts: 3 Member
    The same exact thing happened to me at work. It affected me so much I still think about it and it was 12 YEARS AGO! It really bothered me because I didnt know anyone felt that way...and to complain to my boss!!! Grrrr. I dont have any solution other than keep calm and carry on! Some people are weird and you cant do anything about it. And no matter what....DO NOT let it stop you from working out or staying on track. Dont give these idiots your power! Go to the gym when you are upset, the endorphins will make you feel better ! :)
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member

    On top of that I was told to stop eating at my desk while I work (everyone does this all the time) and to hide my gym shoes where it can't be seen. I have a good relationship with everyone in my office but I don't know why I got this crap from anonymous people.

    I know I may be overreacting but it really hit me hard since no one has told me and it just hit me like someone was super offended by the way I dress like in that picture. How should I approach this? I'm trying to brush this off but it made me so upset I skipped out on gym last night (I usually go every day).

    I too recently received grief at work about eating microwaved foods at my desk as they "smell" (yeah smell delicious.) So now I spend 15-20 minutes in the morning eating in the break room because someone didn't like the smell of my breakfast sausage.
    To be fair, my BF eats those lil jimmy dean breakfast sausage muffin whatevers, and they make me wanna hurk if I'm trapped in the car with em. Something about breakfast meats... I can eat bacon, but I let other people cook it.

    I also have the benefit of my desk being reception, i.e. I have the entire lobby to myself to stink up as I please, muahahahaaa.. ;)

    To OP: It looks like you wear what I see pretty much everyone wear in our building, but here is a question - do you not change your shirt when you do your lunchtime exercise? Taking off/putting on a sweater won't really help if your actual shirt gets a little fragrant, and sometimes you really do need another set of nostrils to tell; we're surrounded by our own scent, so we're not always the best judge if it ripens somewhat. We have people who bike to work, and they bring a fresh shirt with them.
  • sway1080
    sway1080 Posts: 45 Member
    Ugh it drives me crazy how some people act in offices. The way you look is fine in your picture. I work in the same kind of business casual office..people complained because I burn't my popcorn I have to make sure I don't eat popcorn or barely pop the bag to make people happy. Sounds like this person in your office doesn't have enough to do..don't worry about it though there's people like this in every office.

    People need to mind their own business. Keep goin' and don't let it getcha down :) (Cause you look GREAT. Probably some person who is jealous of your success)
  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    I too recently received grief at work about eating microwaved foods at my desk as they "smell" (yeah smell delicious.) So now I spend 15-20 minutes in the morning eating in the break room because someone didn't like the smell of my breakfast sausage.

    What you may find delicious, others may not. The smell of tea makes me feel sick for example -- if someone was sat next to me and drank it, I would have to move away. Maybe your microwaved food has the same effect on one of your co-workers as tea does on me. Or perhaps someone just doesn't want you to eat at your desk (are you a noisy easter?) and mentioning the smell was seen as a nicer thing to say than the real reason.

    It's not how loud I eat... I think it's the fact that my bosses are vegetarians and they don't like the smell of meat in the office. However I have to deal with our CFO and her smelly nasty incense that gives me a headache.

    And they made it a department mandate.. not just me but I know I am the main reason. They rule also doesn't seem to apply to the other departments though. I see them microwave stuff all the time and take it back to their desk to eat.

    It's just an annoying situation.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Sounds like petty jealousy - perhaps from one of the BL contestants who didn't finish first. Comply with your boss' directive, but don't let that stop you from your routine. If you do let it interfere, the other person won. So kisk some jealous *kitten* and get back to the gym, jog, whatever. Best wishes!

    ^^This X1000
  • sway1080
    sway1080 Posts: 45 Member
    Plus, how dumb is it to mess with someone in IT. Guess they don't like having email and the internet.

    This!! XD
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Sounds like mean people..hell, I have to endure my coworker who sits behind me knowingly making sure she "mmmmmmmmm's" and "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh's" over the great smelling calzones and other fattening things **** that she eats in front of me (I think she does it on purpose)...but as much as that is torturous, when she is in front of me and I see her *kitten* is getting fat..well i feel better...hahahahahahahahaha
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    A little about myself:

    I work in a business district where everyone at my work dresses business casual, here in SoCal weather. It is common practice to see people running around in the streets with gym clothes, casual, business clothes with running shoes.

    I just finished the Biggest Loser competition at work (10 weeks) in first place but I'm still somewhat continuing my normal routine. I usually go for a walk or jog during lunch and then eat at my desk right after. I work in IT so I can't wear heels as a lady who may need to haul some equipment. I have to be wearing comfortable enough clothes. I have a workout buddy during lunch and she has been working here for 10 years. I just started last year. She wears a t shirt for longer periods of time than I do but she didn't get crap for it.

    I wear something like this to work:

    (sorry this picture was taken online but it was the best description I could find)

    I walk outside and remove my sweater. I come back inside for 5 minutes and cool off every time. Then I put my sweater back on. I never wore shorts to work (absolutely against the rules), and my boss told me just recently that someone told him that I was wearing gym clothes to work on a day he wasn't here. I never change how I dress. He's fine with how I dress but he told me that I should look into this.

    On top of that I was told to stop eating at my desk while I work (everyone does this all the time) and to hide my gym shoes where it can't be seen. I have a good relationship with everyone in my office but I don't know why I got this crap from anonymous people.

    I know I may be overreacting but it really hit me hard since no one has told me and it just hit me like someone was super offended by the way I dress like in that picture. How should I approach this? I'm trying to brush this off but it made me so upset I skipped out on gym last night (I usually go every day).

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I too recently received grief at work about eating microwaved foods at my desk as they "smell" (yeah smell delicious.) So now I spend 15-20 minutes in the morning eating in the break room because someone didn't like the smell of my breakfast sausage.

    What you may find delicious, others may not. The smell of tea makes me feel sick for example -- if someone was sat next to me and drank it, I would have to move away. Maybe your microwaved food has the same effect on one of your co-workers as tea does on me. Or perhaps someone just doesn't want you to eat at your desk (are you a noisy easter?) and mentioning the smell was seen as a nicer thing to say than the real reason.

    This. I happen to find the smell of breakfast sausages, (along with the looks and taste of it) absolutely repugnant. I would have complained, too.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    You jog at lunch without changing your shirt? Maybe the problem is that you smell bad, but they didn't want to be rude? I certainly would stink if I ran/sweated in my work clothing and then just threw a sweater back over. If that is the case you ARE working in your workout clothes (since you worked out in them).
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    I walk outside and remove my sweater. I come back inside for 5 minutes and cool off every time. Then I put my sweater back on. I never wore shorts to work (absolutely against the rules), and my boss told me just recently that someone told him that I was wearing gym clothes to work on a day he wasn't here. I never change how I dress. He's fine with how I dress but he told me that I should look into this.

    On top of that I was told to stop eating at my desk while I work (everyone does this all the time) and to hide my gym shoes where it can't be seen. I have a good relationship with everyone in my office but I don't know why I got this crap from anonymous people.

    I know I may be overreacting but it really hit me hard since no one has told me and it just hit me like someone was super offended by the way I dress like in that picture. How should I approach this? I'm trying to brush this off but it made me so upset I skipped out on gym last night (I usually go every day).

    I really like your outfit and don't see a problem with it. I think that someone is jealous of your success and is trying to undermine you. Don't let them win. If the weather is nice can you eat outside somewhere, instead of at your desk? Hiding your gym shoes I don't see as unreasonable -- even if you don't have members of the public see where you work it just creates a less professional image having gym kit hanging around. Even if others eat at their desks and leave their kit hanging around, take the high road and lead by example. Show the rest of them up -- including whoever is trying to sabotage you -- by being better than them.