May MFP Food Challenge!!!

The challenge is to edit 1 existing food in the database to use grams per week.

Bonus, add "(grams)" to the name so folks searching for grams can find it.

Most foods use 2 types of measurement to describe a serving size. Using a common measurement unit, like grams, helps to have a consistent measurement when you don't consume an exact 'serving' size of a food.

Cereal - I eat cereal on occasion. It takes longer to measure multiple servings of "3/4 or 1 cup" of cereal, not to mention it isn't quite as accurate a measure than cereal that is weighed. The 1 cup measurement of the cereal I like, is 51g. So, I put the bowl on the food scale and try to pour 2 servings or 102g. Sometimes, I go over\under the serving size. When you don't use the recommended size, is when it becomes more difficult to accurately measure\convert, as many of the foods in the MFP database use the 'x Cups' measurement.

If the food items in the database used grams as a unit of measure for the serving size, MFP automatically adds a 1g option to the food. Using that 1g option we can plug in 121g of cereal and have a quick and easy calorie\macro measurement based on the grams consumed.

Please bump once in a while to keep this challenge going :wink: :drinker: .

MFP Admins: Anyway to run a report to show how many foods today have "grams" in the name, and compare against the end of the month?


  • levicrouch
    levicrouch Posts: 99
  • levicrouch
    levicrouch Posts: 99
    *Bump* again.
  • levicrouch
    levicrouch Posts: 99
    FWIW, I have been updating several foods from volume (Cup) measurements to weight (gram) measurements for the foods I eat most often (where appropriate). Not sure how many I have updated in all, but, slow progress is still progress!