More cellulite/Fat appearnce with weight loss?

stutba Posts: 152 Member
I have lost somewhere between 10 and 14 pounds since the 2nd week of February. (I have been at the same weight for over 2 weeks now).
I have gone down 1 to 2 pant sizes and my waist has lost more than 2 inches and around 1 inch in my thighs. (was in a size 12 pant, now 10 to 8 size pant) With the weight loss, it seems in my legs, thighs, and butt the fat, especially cellulite, has become more noticeable than when I was heavier. Maybe this is because of water weight loss and not being so bloated or is it just muscle loss? I do run, although not consistently as I have in the past. I need to get my running mojo moving again.

What I am wondering is if I start doing pushups, lunges, squats with light weights or just body weight, will this help improve the appearance of my fatty areas? Or do I just need to keep working towards taking off weight / fat loss before I am going to be able to see any improvement and need to just be patient. I know you cant spot reduce and that is not what I am asking....Anyway I don't think that is what I am asking???

It is frustrating to be looking better in clothing, but naked it seems like the cellulite is getting worse. UGH

Anyone else experience this??

Thanks, Birdie

PS I am 5'5" currently weigh 164 to 163 and my goal at this point is 145 to 140lbs.

I am struggling with my motivation at this time.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    What I am wondering is if I start doing pushups, lunges, squats with light weights or just body weight, will this help improve the appearance of my fatty areas?

    Yes, but heavy, challenging weights will actually give the best improvement in cellulite, and body composition overall. Try to follow an established program (NROL, Stronglifts, etc) or work with a good trainer.
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    What I am wondering is if I start doing pushups, lunges, squats with light weights or just body weight, will this help improve the appearance of my fatty areas?

    Yes, but heavy, challenging weights will actually give the best improvement in cellulite, and body composition overall. Try to follow an established program (NROL, Stronglifts, etc) or work with a good trainer.

    I've always struggled with cellulite despite never being overweight.

    I agree with the first comment but personally, I've never had a trainer or heavy weights yet I've gotten much closer to my goal of smooth, toned legs. I do about 40 minutes on the elliptical about four times a week and then I do a TON of squats (plus other strengthening exercises that do not target my legs), and by a ton I mean about 120 every day I work out (I recently added small dumbbells because that's all I own and I don't have much money while trying to save).

    I've always had slightly bigger thighs since puberty and my legs haven't been this slim since I was in junior high.
  • cczolek
    cczolek Posts: 6
    When you lose weight, the fat you lose isn't the cellulite. Unfortunately, that stays put. Getting stronger / better shaped muscles from strength training will definitely improve your figure, but not the texture of your cellulite. Here is a good article on cellulite:,,20735356,00.html?xid=comcast

    Just remember, you are making improvements to your self, your health, and how you look. It may not be perfect, but think about the progress you are making. Too many of my clients end up focusing on the one area that they aren't happy with (and there will always be one) example: "I lost 50 pounds and I no longer have high blood pressure or diabetes. My back doesn't hurt anymore and I probably added at least 10 years to my life, but I am not satisfied because the back of my arms aren't toned!"

    Always try to focus on the improvements you have made to stay positive and keep moving towards your goals!
  • jodybo2
    jodybo2 Posts: 116 Member
    I also have this problem. I'm 5'2". Highest weight was 194, current weight 129. My cellulite is worse than it has ever been. It is so bad I do not want to wear shorts this summer!! It has only happened in the past 3 years. I quit smoking and noticed I was getting "fluffy" so I started cutting calories and walking/jogging 2 miles a day. I do 50 minutes of resistance exercises 3x a week. I have no idea what I am doing wrong!