Squat racks are in use....what is your plan B?

My gym has a squat rack and a power rack. I am currently doing SL5x5 M/W/F. I am at the gym between 4:30 and 5:00 AM, so usually I do not have trouble getting one rack or the other for squats. However, this past Wednesday, both were in use and there were two additional guys waiting to use them, so rotating in really wasn’t a good option. I used the Smith Machine instead. My other options would be an incline leg press.

What would your “plan B” be for squats. Any recommendations on which machine to use in place of doing squats for that day?. Or some other suggestion?


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Fire alarm
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    come at a different time or figure out how to work in.

    we have 2 racks and a power cage- I needed to squat- normally I get there before everyone else- but apparently not this day- i just worked in- make friends- help rack/unrack the bar and go about your business.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Fire alarm

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    my first tactic would be to change the order of my lifts so that i'd be there when the squat rack was free.

    assuming you already did that.

    if that didn't work, i'd do what you did.
  • ericalyn73
    ericalyn73 Posts: 79
    Pick up some heavy dumbells, put them on your shoulders and squat away.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    definately not the smith machine

    other than what JoRocka suggested..

    Deload down to what you know you can complete and squat outside the rack. I did that for the first couple months of my lifting until I got my rack.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My squat days are also bench days...I prefer to squat first, but if a rack isn't available I will do bench first and squat afterwards. I've very rarely had an issue where I couldn't start with one or the other and then move on...maybe twice in the last year or so and in that instance I just started out with a few sets of pull-ups until something opened up.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hello! Try Bulgarian Split Squats and Stepups. You only need a bench and 2 heavy dumbbells.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    Fire alarm

    hmmmm.... I like that idea. I'm sure the fire department wouldn't mind getting a little extra exercise....LOL

    And for the record....I am kidding.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    come at a different time or figure out how to work in.

    we have 2 racks and a power cage- I needed to squat- normally I get there before everyone else- but apparently not this day- i just worked in- make friends- help rack/unrack the bar and go about your business.

    Unfortunately, a different time is not an option....and usually at the time I go, it is not a problem.

    I do not mind asking to rotate in....it was just not an option that day because I would have to work in with 5 different people and I did not have enought time to do that and complete my other exercises. I go to work right after I leave the gym.

    I am just looking for my best options if/when this happens again.

    thanks to everyone that has responded
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I would either squat with heavy dumbells or a kettlebell, do a higher rep set, and focus on squatting deeper and perfecting form.

    The smith machine doesn't sound ideal.

    ETA: You could also work in some more difficult BW squats like pistol squats or split squats.
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Hello! Try Bulgarian Split Squats and Stepups. You only need a bench and 2 heavy dumbbells.
    Those exercises are both on my workout routine (along with regular squats and deadlift shrugs). I assure you they're effective, at least in terms of making your leg muscles hurt. Bulgarians must be some big-legged mofos.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    People are pretty OCD if they think the occassional use of the smith machine is really going to be that much of a draw back.

    i like the suggestion of the step ups tho
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    This morning I just stood there staring daggers at the guy using the squat rack to deadlift.

    I did my military press while I waited for him to finish.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    load a bar with manageable weight and clean it into a front squat... rinse repeat. or just clean and press adding a front squat to the mix.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    load a bar with manageable weight and clean it into a front squat... rinse repeat. or just clean and press adding a front squat to the mix.


    Or just politely ask to work in with someone who's squatting a similar weight. I've never seen anyone refuse. Not in my gym anyways.
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    load a bar with manageable weight and clean it into a front squat... rinse repeat. or just clean and press adding a front squat to the mix.


    Or you can clean it, jerk it, lower it onto your back, do your back squats, jerk it back up, and then lower it. That's what I would do.
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    my first tactic would be to change the order of my lifts so that i'd be there when the squat rack was free.

    assuming you already did that.

    if that didn't work, i'd do what you did.

    For a while the squat racks were extra busy at my gym on Sunday mornings when I got there. I made friends with the other squatters, and they were sure to flag me down from across the gym when one of them opened up while I was doing something else where the rack isn't needed. Its not ideal, and usually my work sets suffer a bit since I've already worked those muscles a bit before getting to the work sets, but its better than just sitting there and staring at them.