Advice on putting together candlelight walks/vigils

Need to know if anyone out there has had success putting something like this together.

My community was hit with an EF4 Tornado Sunday evening. It's been a tremendous week with coming into work and then afterwards helping friends sift through debris and last evening grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for all the volunteers that were hungry. So, I'm thinking after most of the cleanup is done, which will still be quite some time, I really want to do something more for the community like a candlelight walk/vigil. I think I have the basics. Starting point, ending point, maybe a few speakers. It's been years since I've headed up community things when I was with the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Should I contact like a discount chain (ex: Walmart) to see if they can donate candles? I can probably get a state representative or possibly even the Governor to be a speaker. Possibly even a survivor and definitely a Church Minister of one of the churches that were destroyed. If you have any advice on something like this, feel free to input here or even PM. I'm all ears. Thank you

Just a few shots of my town...these were about 1 mile from my house.


We worked in this neighborhood for two evenings helping family friends.

Brand new intermediate school my youngest would have started attending in August