dubai pig out or not?

I've been on y healthy lifestyle changes for about 3 weeks now I'm off to dubai in two weeks for a week!
my question is do i try to stick to my calorie count and maybe not enjoy myself as much or do i think "sod it" and eat what i want when I'm there and deal with the consequences when i get back?!


  • h13ern
    h13ern Posts: 1
    Hi - I've been to Dubai - and the food is great - I would stick to the calorie count.. ! You probably done so well, don't spoil all your hard work.. !!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Dubai is da bomb! Don't restrict the foods you eat. Try a little bit of everything, and be sensible about your portion sizes if it really matters to you.

    Personally, I would just not care while I was there.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Personally, I would eat/drink what I want. I'm going to Brazil for the World Cup in June and have ZERO plans on sticking to a diet. If I feel like eating random street vendor food, or drinking their sugary national drink (Caipirinha), I'm certainly not going to feel guilty! This is a once in a lifetime experience and don't want a second of it to go to waist.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Dubai is da bomb! Don't restrict the foods you eat. Try a little bit of everything, and be sensible about your portion sizes if it really matters to you.

    Personally, I would just not care while I was there.

    This! If this is a vacation or sort of a once in a lifetime trip, I'd definitely indulge in the local cuisine because it's fantastic! If it's like a routine business trip deal, I'd probably worry a little more about choices and portion sizes.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    My theory if I am on vacation I am eating and drinking what I want. I always exercise on vacation and keep as active as possible. At least the best I can hope for is I maintain.

    PS going to Dubai is awesome!!!!
  • fatalis_vox
    fatalis_vox Posts: 106 Member
    I loved Dubai! Though it was FULL of "foreign" (Read: American, British, etc.) food, and the people I was with were too lame to take chances on the local food. The little I did get to try was awesome (Try sheep and goat, if you've never had either) and I found it really hard to stick to my goals.

    Although I DID get to do WAY more walking than I have since I started tracking--My best day was the day I went to the Dubai Mall, which is huge.

    Anyway, my point is: Don't miss out on the opportunity to try something new. You can always alternate--Two days at a deficit, and one day to just put everything you want into your face. Repeat. That way you get a good variety, without doing yourself TOO much damage.
  • ktg503
    ktg503 Posts: 20
    I'd say try everything you can, but be somewhat sensible about portion sizes. I always find when I'm traveling that I end up walking so much that any extra calories get about balanced out - I even lost about 7 pounds my first 6 weeks living in Spain despite stuffing my face with delicious food and wine just because I walked everywhere! Take advantage of the unique experience and enjoy the local food, but be on the lookout for good exercise opportunities. :)