Push Ups



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    A fairly recent publication which I don't give a (feces) enough to find said that he best way to do more push-ups was to increase your 1 rm on bench press...

    I heard that the best way to increase your push-ups is by doing push-ups.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Pics when this goal is accomplished??
    FR sent!
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    A fairly recent publication which I don't give a (feces) enough to find said that he best way to do more push-ups was to increase your 1 rm on bench press...

    I heard that the best way to increase your push-ups is by doing push-ups.

    The answer is always more deadlifts.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Good luck on your goal brother.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,642 Member
    A fairly recent publication which I don't give a (feces) enough to find said that he best way to do more push-ups was to increase your 1 rm on bench press...

    I heard that the best way to increase your push-ups is by doing push-ups.

    The problem is that little guys can't add enough weight to actually get stronger and /or grow by just doing push-ups as you're just doing a % of your body weight.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    A fairly recent publication which I don't give a (feces) enough to find said that he best way to do more push-ups was to increase your 1 rm on bench press...

    I heard that the best way to increase your push-ups is by doing push-ups.

    The problem is that little guys can't add enough weight to actually get stronger and /or grow by just doing push-ups as you're just doing a % of your body weight.

    If I didn't know any better I would suspect you were taking this parody thread seriously. Ironic given the avatar.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I did one personal training session with... a psychopath lol
    but he made me do numerous things, one being push ups


    If I do (at least) 500 pushups a day everyday in May.
    Well, how many push-ups can you do now?
    I did one or two sets of 50 push-ups almost every day when I was 17-19. Effed up my shoulder that way, can't do more than 30 in a row now. Be careful with form...
  • AdventureFreak
    AdventureFreak Posts: 236 Member
    Honestly going straight from not much to 500 pushups a day right off the bat is asking for an injury. Muscle simply can't be built overnight. If you over tax your body you will simply hurt yourself. That said push - ups are an amazing exercise and you should not feel discouraged from doing them. just i think that 500 a day every day is over doing it. Besides even if you somehow stuck with that program your body would quickly adapt and become a push up machine. Making push ups themselves less useful to you and resulting in muscle imbalances. If you really wanna look good you have to work your whole body not just the muscle group you wanna work on. Once you have decent overall musculature THEN you can start sculpting.

    Pushups are great. Do increase them gradually over time. If they get easy add a backpack with some bricks to the mix. They are a compound exercise engaging many muscles so I am not sure that doing a bunch would create an imbalance. Throw in some chinups or pull ups to "balance" out. If you cannot do chin ups get a low bar and start with jump starts and work towards independance. I used to do 100 pushups a day and I didn't really grow from it but got crazy good at weighted pushups. Have fun...
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I did one personal training session with... a psychopath lol
    but he made me do numerous things, one being push ups


    If I do (at least) 500 pushups a day everyday in May.
    Well, how many push-ups can you do now?
    I did one or two sets of 50 push-ups almost every day when I was 17-19. Effed up my shoulder that way, can't do more than 30 in a row now. Be careful with form...

    Psssst....its....a....joke. Join in on the fun, you are being a downer.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    People seriously can't see through this? Man, I didn't even have a sibling to lie to me when I was growing up and I can see the sarcasm just dripping off this post.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I tried doing them for 4 days. I totally got bulky.
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    It's a perfect plan. You'll look just like this in 30 days.

    LOL! this! but on a serious note. No 30 days of 500s along with what you mentioned probably won't give you the pecs you are dreaming about.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    LOL! this! but on a serious note. No 30 days of 500s along with what you mentioned probably won't give you the pecs you are dreaming about.

    <facepalm> Does anything in this thread strike you as requiring seriousness?
  • RogueAkula
    RogueAkula Posts: 2 Member
    I know that I am getting in on this conversation a little late, but does anyone have a workout plan to get to 500 push-ups a day? I want bigger pecs too.
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    I know that I am getting in on this conversation a little late, but does anyone have a workout plan to get to 500 push-ups a day? I want bigger pecs too.

    Yes! What you do is you take 500 pushups and you multiply this by the day of the month that you start. For instance, today is the 1st. 500 x 1. Tomorrow 500 x 2. Etc. do this every day for 30 days and when you're done, you'll have the perfect breasts.
  • eryquem
    eryquem Posts: 66 Member
    I know that I am getting in on this conversation a little late, but does anyone have a workout plan to get to 500 push-ups a day? I want bigger pecs too.

    All you have to do is 1 pushup and then rest for 1 min 44 seconds.

    Repeat for 12 hours.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I know that I am getting in on this conversation a little late, but does anyone have a workout plan to get to 500 push-ups a day? I want bigger pecs too.

    Yes! What you do is you take 500 pushups and you multiply this by the day of the month that you start. For instance, today is the 1st. 500 x 1. Tomorrow 500 x 2. Etc. do this every day for 30 days and when you're done, you'll have the perfect breasts.

    This. I found it works best if you start on the first blood moon of the new harvest.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Okay, if your doing 500 day one it is a great start; ignore the naysayers; add 5 a day and your breasts tststsss ought to look incredible. Best of luck.
  • RogueAkula
    RogueAkula Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting right now. As a matter of fact I am typing this with my nose! Only 403 more to go!