sluggish thyroid



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    heehee that seems to be the consensus!! i only like the brocolli and cauliflower and i for sure can live without it!!!
    if meds a re going lower and lower maybe chance of getting off of it!! cool!! good luck to you!! :)

    Stay away from brussel sprouts, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabaga, radishes, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, rapeseed, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and soya.

    Good thing the only thing on that list I like is sweet potatoes! I have an endocrinologist and he's great. I am on levoxithyrene. I originally had an overactive thyroid, and it is now under thanks to the radiation to kill the goiter. BUT! My medication is going lower and lower. I've been decreasing my sodium, or at least trying to. As for weight...he's messing with my meds, so I haven't dropped any the last week or so.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    avoid soy products and plastics with BPA. It effects your thyroids ability to intake hormones. Good luck avoiding BPA, it's in everything including all canned foods. I've completely gotten off canned stuff. It's also in PVC pipes which most of us have in our water systems. I think that's why hypothyroidism is such an epidemic. My physician said it is much more prevalent in the last few years or so.

    A friend of mine posted this on facebook about soy dangers.htm
    i don't know what you will think of it

    I have had a full blood count done @ my doctors & my thyroid came back as borderline, so in 6 weeks time they want me to do another blood test to see if there is any changes & compare the results. All i can do is wait & see.

    There is such great advice here thank you all.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    You may want to read my response to a similar thread several days ago here:

    My response is about 3/4 of the way down the thread. I am an Internal Medicine doctor with lots of years of treating thyroid disease. Sorry to disagree with most of the prior responses but there is nothing you can do with diet, activity etc that I am aware of that will affect thyroid function and it is a bit frustrating on these forum posts for everyone to be offering their own magic formula when there is no good data behind any of these suggestions. We cannot offer medical information to you personally but you need to talk to your doctor, get your numbers and make a decision how to proceed. Most of these other replies border on practicing medicine without a license. Do agree with educating yourself.