30 Day Shred?

Hey all!

I tried doing the Insanity workout, but I'm just too large to comfortably do the things that crazy S.O.B. is asking me to do... so now I'm looking into doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. My question is: How, exactly, do others log the exercise? Should I get a HRM and just log the calories burned?

I tried searching the Cardio database on here for 30 Day Shred, but to no avail.



  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    A HRM is a great investment - get a good one with a chest strap. Polar is a very popular one. :smile:

    Until then, I think most people log 30DS as circuit training.
  • YasminR
    YasminR Posts: 54 Member
    i've been logging as circuit training. Runs to 27 mins all together. Just finished day 5 of 30DS and my right knee is still sore. As a large woman this has been great for me and i can already do much more than day 1. Jumping jacks are tough for me.

    Good luck.