On the road to a healthier life....I hope...

Just started mfp about 3 days ago...so far so good. I've been exercising daily as well so hopefully my hard work will pay off....just wondering how soon does one start losing? The problem is that if I don't get results I start giving up...:-(

Just for the record, I currently weigh 206.2lbs....I used to be about 130-140lbs before I had my two kids.....and I recently saw pics of me before kids....made me sad and eager to get that body back!!! I need a lot of motivation over here!!!!


  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    welcome to the site!!! i lost 4lbs the first week, typically you lose a bit more than later on because some of it is water weight. i know lose about 0.8lbs/week. that is what mfp has me set for. i cannot lose anymore than that without lowering my daily intake to 1000 calories which is just not healthy. tip: make sure you drink lots of water! feel free to add me as a friend:)
  • jasmines_mum
    Thanks! I've just added you.....

    Its set my daily calorie intake at 1200 calories....and so far I went over once but about 60 cal or so. Other than that I've been slightly below....I'm weighing myself on Mondays so lets see....cross my fingers...