Weight Loss and PMS

Question for you guys. I have been working on losing weight after a lot of medical issues for the past two years. In the past two years I've lost 40 pounds by diet (then hit a plateau for about four months) and have recently (in the last three weeks) started exercising.

I walk every day, long walks a couple times a week, moderate/interval walks all the other days. In addition I do resistance training with kettlebells 3 times a week.

I do pretty good with eating. I eat low-ish carb (<100g/day), high fat, high protein. I'm not looking for overnight success so I usually aim for 1800 calories a day and seem to be losing pretty steadily with this. I also drink about 100oz of water a day.

I'm 5'5 179lbs currently.

My issue is that the days leading up to my period (3-4 days) I am RAVENOUS. Should I allow myself to eat more on these days? Or is that going to completely negate any gains I've made in the last month. I know I should "listen to my body" and eat when I'm hungry. But I'm not sure that this hunger is from a physiological need other than hormones.

Anyone have any guidance they can give as to whether eating more when you're PMS'ing (and I'm not talking junk here, I mean like eating more good, whole, foods) will hurt me in the long run?



  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    I have the same issue. Currently struggling with it right now, actually! A couple days of eating more calories (especially healthy foods) isn't going to sabotage your weight loss. When I PMS I feel like I just cannot get full, no matter how much I eat. I try to drink a lot of water and have healthy snacks to keep on track. It's a pain in the butt to go through the hormones everyyyyyy month!
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    i call it the bottomless pit nights! i just eat over and deal with it.