Hi everyone! Need help with motivation.

Hello there!

My name's Sandra. I'm 18, am around 5' 3", and currently weigh 115 lbs. Though getting down to 110 or 105 would be nice, I'm more concerned with toning up my body and building some muscle. However, I can never keep up with a consistent exercise and diet plan and end up giving after like 5 days. Any tips to keep up my motivation so that I don't end up eating an entire pizza by myself like yesterday? :)


  • CatheBritt
    CatheBritt Posts: 1
    Hi Sandra, take it one day at a time, make small goals, for me it was I want to be able to wear a smaller size pants, track you food think "am I really hungry" before eating, and only eat till your satisfied, push away from the table. I'm a big foodie, I like everything and want sweets of all kinds and I needed to get that in check. I still eat popcorn w/ some dark chocolate for a snack. Once you stay focused and start losing a few pounds you'll feel better and your friends/ family will notice and this will help keep you motivated. I got to a point where my weight loss pretty much stopped and needed to start exercising, my daughter got me to run, I couldn't run a 1/2 mile the first day. Now I'm training for a 10k. Good luck you can do it, stay focused !!
  • sandrali332
    Thank you! I'll try my best to not lose motivation again.
  • loomatic
    loomatic Posts: 15 Member
    I found that for me, making one change at a time worked best. I go to the gym before work now, and when I started, the first thing I did was start getting up 15 minutes earlier than usual for a week. The next week, 15 more. Now I get up at 5:00, but I knew if I just tried to switch to that from getting up at 6:00, there would be a lot of days of hitting the snooze button. Now, I have no trouble gettng up and moving at 5. And once I'm up, well, I might as well go to the gym, even if I don't feel like it that much on a particular day. And now that I've been in the gym habit for several months, it does't derail me if I do have to miss a day. I got back from vacation last weekend, and Monday I was back in the gym.

    The other habit I started and keep now is getting ready the night before. If I had to pack up my gym bag in the morning, it would give me the opportunity to wimp out and not go. Now, before I go to bed, my bags are packed with everything I need the next day, except any food that needs to be refridgerated. Shower supplies and towels in one bag, clothes and shoes for work in another, and lunch in a third (smaller!) bag. Basically, I figured out what roadblocks I was facing in my path, and then worked out the best way to avoid them in advance.

    Hope that helps!