Weekend Eating

I seem to do really well during the week on this program. I'm at work and my days are really structured. It's the weekends that are difficult. I seem to fight cravings all day long. I don't like that my whole focus during the day is food. I record everything but I hate that clawing, ravenous head hunger - always wanting something more to eat. Should I set up my day with more structure and make sure I stay busy? Drink more water? Plan set times when I am going to eat and stick with those? Ideas anyone?


  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    Weekends are the hardest.. I'm presuming for everyone!! I find I just keep mooching in the cupboards looking for more!!! The only thing I do is to only have healthy food in the house.. so if I am picking I can only eat "good" stuff.., I also have rest days during the week and exercise at weekends so I have an extra allowance.. But depends how your schedule is.. My hunt works weekends so keeps me occuppied but alot if people like to take weekends off.
    Planning meals the day before helps too... So you aren't wondering what to have.. You know already.
    Not sure if this will help you but good luck!!!
  • goldilocks007
    Weekends are the hardest for me too. I can undo an entire week of weight loss in 2 days. I have come to realize, for me, the weekends are a reward for surviving the work week (and a healthy eating plan). I continue to struggle with rewarding myself with food. My old mindset is " it's okay to eat alot on the weekends you deserve it ." I have began to cope by eating out only 1 meal on the weekend (and recgonizing the increased Na content will increase my hunger), I have something healthy in the crockpot for meals over the weekend, shop Sat morning for fresh fruits and veggies and plenty of low calorie snacks. I also take the dog for a walk, shower, brush my teeth or exercise when I want to eat mindlessly over the weekend. I have also thought about volunteering on the weekends. My thought is it may give my weekend some routine to follow. These have been helpful for me to stop excessive eating over the weekend, but it is something I know I have to keep constantly working on. Good Luck
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Don't let "MFP" control you, its a tool to a healthy lifestyle.Use it help get to your desired goal!!! BALANCE....:wink:
    REMOVE BARRIERS in the house will help you achieve, Excuses are always around, mind over matter!!! If you don't mind it won't matter!!!:grumble: :smile:
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I have the same issue. I eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast and lunch every single workday, but then find mysef snacking all weekend long. My plan has been to get up on Saturday morning and decide if I am going out to eat later or what I am doing. Then I go ahead and input my food on my diary before I eat anything. If I am going to Red Lobster, I look at their menu online and kind-of plan what I will be having before I get there and stick to it. If I look at how many calories the cheese bread has before I go, I am more apt to just have one instead of 3!

    The main thing is to plan and stick to it.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    If you're pretty good during the week, it might not hurt to give your body a little slack on Saturday. Maybe you should eat your calorie deficit on Saturday, and then back to business on Sunday.