nervous about maintaining

So i had a stone to loose and feel i have done this sensibly i set out on my journey last October and have not hit my goal. Although i do go above or below my goal by a couple of pound through the week im guessing this is just water etc because I always return to my goal.
From March i started to limit myself to 1200-1300 calories a day along with cardio 5 times a week.
I went away for easter and ate much more than this and yes put on a lot but thàt must of been due to excess sodium and not enough water as 1 week later and im back to my goal weight.
I am thinking its now time to maintain my weight but im feeling a little nervous about this.
Should I just increase my calories a little at a time?
Im currently working a lot more so only at the most get to fit on three lots of exercise at the most usually 1hour swim, insanity amd arun all on different days. Which makes me even more concerned I will put weight back on.
Using scooby I need 1887 to maintain for lightly active. I dont think im sedentary although i dont do much movement at work. Or to loose somethig like 0.4 a week I need to eat 1698 for lightly active even this seems quite high compared to what im used to.

I eat 5 meals a day, weigh most things and get plenty of protein. I eat mainly clean but have a cheat meal once a week usually pepperoni pizza and dont deny myself things if i feel a really want something.

What would you do? Advise would be much appreciated ")


  • chezza189
    chezza189 Posts: 25 Member
    I would say stick to what it took to loose the weight as the cheat meal will stop you from disappearing, you can afford to miss exercise here and there and it won't harm you too much.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Should I just increase my calories a little at a time?
    Just increase your cals week by week until you find the point at which your weight stays within an acceptable range.
    e.g. +/- 3lbs to account for normal fluctuations.

    No need to be nervous - it's really just a numbers game and you have the tools and knowledge to nip any unwanted trends in the bud.
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    I think you'll do fine! just weigh yourself once a week to check you're not putting on weight...