Looking for friends with about a stone to lose :)

Hi everyone :)

I am not really new at this, I used it last year and lost about half a stone, but have been on a bit of a break. I haven't re-gained any of that weight, so I guess that is good, but I am back to lose the last 17lbs. I am actually at a healthy weight already according to my BMI (the computer one, have never actually had it measured properly), but it doesn't feel right to me so am hoping to lose some pounds, tone up a bit and hopefully drop a dress size while I am at it!

I don't really do going to the gym, though I live a very active life, commuting daily to London for work and spending my evenings at the stables mucking out and exercising my young and extremely spritely horse (yes, every day!), gets you fitter than you might think!

Anyway would love to hear from likeminded people!


  • Yvesigg
    Yvesigg Posts: 28 Member
    Hi yes me. I also started a year or so ago half heartedly. I am focused and ready to go now though.
    I am 5 ft 2 nearly. Weigh 132 pounds would like to get down to 119.