Free Day tomorrow??

I'm thinking of letting myself eat whatever I want tomorrow. I'm beginning to feel a little deprived, so it's about time to have a free day. I feel it's easier to stay on track if I do this on occassion. Only thing is, I feel so guilty when I do, that I really don't go overboard with it, so that's a good thing!
SO... my guilty pleasure will be a large order of french fries from Dairy Queen. Oh how I love them. =)


  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I had that day yesterday! Have not had fried perch in so long. It was good. I think I did good. It was all you can eat dinner. I kept it down to 7 fillets. Normally would have had......oh, about 20 or so. Kept it to a baked potato and cole slaw with no desert and no drink. One does not have to go crazy with a free day. Just enough goes a long way. Keeps away the binge monster! LOL