Calorie shifting?

Has anyone tried it? Did it actually help you lose weight for a long period of time or is it a quick fix type of thing?


  • sweetg1222
    Thanks for asking that question! I was wondering that myself.
  • strongerthanb4
    what is calorie shifting?? never heard of it.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    what is calorie shifting?? never heard of it.
    IM not entirely certain I was just looking up different ways to lose weight and calorie shifting came up (along with a bunch of crap about how calorie counting, carb counting and all those other diets DONT work) I swear every diet says all the other diets dont work, so annoying.
  • tyty092409
    Calorie shifting is where you chnage how much calroies you in take example monday i had
    1100 calories and then tueasday i had 1200 wednesday I had 1150 thursday I had 1000 firday I have 1050 pretty much it tricks youyr body into burning more calories becuase your body is not staying at the same calorie intake every day it worked for me and I have lost 23 pounds in a month and still loosing even though I have back slided a couple of times :-)