Plateaus and Moving On

Well here I am still, since January...this site is great!!! I was stuck at a plateau for about a month and now seem to be stuck again...but I notice the scale moves a little better when I go lighter on the that's what works for me so that's where I am today. Its finally getting warmer out and I feel a little more ready. Even though when I look down and my stomach isn't the flattest or toned, or my thighs still have jiggle I feel better than I did this time last year. I would complain to myself but still spend every weekend eating and drinking and working out sporadically. Last night I put on a litte outfit that my husband bought me and I was pretty happy with the way it fit (he DEFINITELY liked it lol). I still keep the mantra "Just Keep Going" in my head. It seems a lot harder this time, I don't know if it's because I am older (over 40) or because it was a regain but my body is definitely different. I am trying to accept it and "it is what it is" and do the best and be the best I can. Next step is the bathing suit but I don't expect that to be until June with the weather the way its been. In ways I am thankful for this long stretch of cold....more gym time!!! Don't give up and appreciate the progress you make, you worked hard for it!!!