Lost 66lbs but need some support

So since January of last year, i have lost 66lbs in total. Lately, everything is going slower ... not losing weight , just my focus , belief and motivation within myself. When i crack down on it , record food, burn a heck of cals , my body responds by losing lbs ... doing what it's supposed to do. But for some reason , some annoying reason , something is not clicking in my head like it once did. Not sure if its because there isnt the same urgency as before when i was 66lbs heavier. I want to lose around 15-20lbs and not lose muscle . Its strange cuz ive gone down another size but i still feel its not enough . Its like i know what i have to do but i need to be ' hungry' for it . There was no stopping me before , i want to get back to that frame of mind ... so i guess its more about my mental state than physical. Need some organisation. I had to stop working out properly a few months bk because i had that sciatic pain and im not sure if thats played a part in all this. IAnyone else feel similar ?


  • ResistingTemptations
    Congratulations on your loss and success thus far! Best of luck to you!
  • 1HappyTurtleRunner
    1HappyTurtleRunner Posts: 125 Member
    I can say I feel similar, I used to always track everything and now I am getting more and more sporatic about it, this includes the exercise. I had an injury also but now I am getting back into the swing and I can say it really was mental for me.
  • joewithe
    joewithe Posts: 1 Member
    I absolutely understand, toffee. I've lost 117 total and I've gone through those lulls twice along the way. I still have about 20 to lose myself.

    There have been a couple of things that slowed me down:
    1 is that I just get bored sometimes. I try to find new ways to engage when that happens: a new activity to try, a fitness challenge with friends, a 5k, whatever... something I find interesting and want to do.
    2nd, I personally have a bad habit of falling off the wagon right after I get noticed for having lost weight... like if I'm hearing "you look so good", etc., it's almost like subconsciously I go "oh, ok, that means I can eat/do whatever I want now". To combat that, I try to revisit my goals and inspirations often.

    I'm far from perfect, but those have helped me along the way. Hope they help you!
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    thanks for replying. yeah i'm no where near as consistent as i used to be and as strict as i used to be . It bugs me because i'm very driven ... i think i need to re-group and re-evaluate my eating and exercise regime. I really want to lift more , so guess i need to work on finding foods that have good nutrition etc i'll get there . my daugther is going to her dads weekend so will be able to sit down and draw up a plan ... and a contract lol x
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    The beginning of a program to lose a large amount of weight involves a certain amount of obsession. I don't know about you, but I am not an obsessive person by nature, so after months I tend to get bored and lose some of the drive that got me started. Other than just gritting my teeth and plowing ahead, I can't think of any way to get that initial drive back. So far, the best thing, I've found, is to admire the weight loss graph so far, and compare today with last November, when I started. I'll read the replies to OP with interest.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    yes im obsessive by nature too and in the past , i would lose weight for 2 months then stop but now ive been doing it for over a year , so i guess there is good in that.