family teasing your healthy and active lifestyle (rant)



  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    My wife is very supportive of me, but shes convinced Im having an affair!
    My husband isn't that supportive of me, 'cuz he thinks I'm doing it so I CAN have an affair.

    this and this! My husband always refers to my going to "the gym" as "the jim"
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    I really hate it when my sister and my cousin makes fun of my healthy and active lifestyle!!! it's really annoying and disrespectful! :mad:

    things they do:

    -when we're out at the mall and they're like "you wanna eat somewhere?" and I'm like no thanks cause I'd rather buy fresh fruits from the supermarket or I probably brought a packed meal for me and they're like "well.... okay then! we'll eat and enjoy the really delicious food of *restaurant/fastfood name* hehe!"

    - when my sister's like "I'm gonna treat Jam (our cousin) to some fast food woooh!" in front of me

    - when my sister tries to convince me to eat something unhealthy she's like "come on, let's eat a lot!! come ooooonnnn, I know you wanna eat!"

    - sometimes she shouts "yay mcdonald's!" when she sees me and when she's eating fast food, she's like "mmmmmm yummyyyy" and making this really annoying face in front of me

    - she sees my meal and she's like "wow, that's your meal? *laughs*"

    ++ more

    she does this on a daily basis! It's reaaaaaallyyy annoying sometimes I just wanna punch her so she could stop talking and making fun of me. it is somewhat a motivation for me cause when I reach my goal, I'm gonna show her what I worked for that she was making fun of. still annoying though haha

    Unfortunate! "COMMENTARY" can be very annoying and make you upset. It sounds like to me the enemy is attacking to see how strong you are. Well, I say SHOW 'EM!!! YEAH!!! :drinker:
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    theyre annoyed you eat healthy. youre annoyed they talk about it. get over it.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    Well, there are a few things you can do:

    1) Be a leader. Go to McDonald's and get a Southwest Chicken Salad w/ light dressing and an Iced Tea. Maybe even a small ice cream cone.

    2) Blow it off and get on with life.

    3) Be an educator. Be honest w/ your family and let them know how you take their comments. Explain to them that you made a choice to live a better life starting with what goes on your plate. You can join them and make healthy choices or you can just get a drink and sit and talk. Don't give up family time because of your healthy life style.

    There are a few things wrong with our society as I see it. We've become nutritionally confused. Not only do we need to educate ourselves, we need to educate those around us. Unfortunately, our students range in age from the very young to those who are older than we are.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    My response... in a very matter of fact tone would be.....ehh, my body, my choices....your body, your choices.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    My wife is very supportive of me, but shes convinced Im having an affair!
    My husband isn't that supportive of me, 'cuz he thinks I'm doing it so I CAN have an affair.

    this and this! My husband always refers to my going to "the gym" as "the jim"
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    I understand how this all can get to you, everyone with a story that's commented on this thread, and I'm thankful to only have one friend that jokes about me being healthy ( and tbh she does this because its hard for her to gain weight and thats what she's trying to do). BUT WHY DO YOU LET ANY OF IT GET TO YOU?!?!

    OP your sister is jealous and insecure. Next time she says any of the things you listed you could simply reply with " well maybe if you ask nicely next time I'll treat you to a ( insert health meal at time that you've made )" let it go, she is immature and will continue. It could even get worse considering you said she has tried to lose weight and failed. there is nothing you can do to change what she is going to do/say

    To the woman who's mother made fun of your arms, thats bull****! And I would have just replied with a "thanks for noticing my weight loss, looks like I'm doing something right"

    Sometimes the best way to get back at the people that are hurting you is to not react when they want you to. Not trying to take the last word, and even when you want to punch them in the throat having the knowledge to realize that everything you are doing is for you and not them so their opinions mean *kitten*.
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    Good god, that's just plain cruel. I'm sorry she was so rude.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks everyone! I really hate it when people becomes a dbag just because you chose to be a better person and they know that you'll be better than them in the long run
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    oh and one quote that really motivates me is "success is the best revenge" lol. just imagining how people will react when I finally get to my goal encourages me to continue this lifestyle
  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    My ex and I split up about 3 years ago. I kid you not he has harassed me off and on since we split. We have a child together so I can't just block him. Anyways, he use to always say hurtful things to me. He always makes comments about my weight. I was very thin when i met him and gained weight when i got pregnant.

    Once i started telling him what he says doesn't hurt me anymore, the harassment pretty much stopped. He does it because it makes him feel better about himself. He is very insecure about his height.

    I am not going to lie sometimes he can still get under my skin but i don't let him see it.
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    I have the same problem. Just today, I met my 5 year old twins and my mom (who watches them) at McDonald's for lunch. I ordered a plain chicken sandwich and a bottle of water. My mom (who is overweight) made fun of me and tried to get me to eat some of her fries. Then, later during the meal she started chuckling. I asked her what was wrong and she said, your arms are getting flabby since you are losing weight. Don't you have any weights at home? I wanted to cry. I have lost - with PCOS - 13 pounds by working out and eating healthy. I am now the weight I was when I got pregnant... and this is how she treats me.

    How mean. :( She sounds jealous.
  • thirteeninches
    thirteeninches Posts: 61 Member
    I will assume you have already told her how you feel in an honest and polite way, and she has disrergarded your feelings. Because if you haven't tried this yet, then all other suggestions on this thread are useless. Ignoring, or being snarky back will either worsen your repressed feelings or hurt your relationship with your sister more.

    Fixing problems like this take time, and you will have to tell her how you feel more than once, that is, if you want to have a decent relationship with your sister. If you don't, and you just want her to shut up, don't hang out with her anymore at all. You can't change other people's behavior, but you can change who you choose to associate with.

    With effort, this is what works: Find a moment when your sister is calm and reflective, in a good mood. Tell her how you feel in the best, kindest way you know how. If she disregards it, or is snarky back, avoid her company. When she asks, tell her why. "Why aren't you coming to the mall with us?" "Because you're always rude about my diet and I'm sick of it." The worst possible punishment we can give another human being is ostracism. People just can't stand it. If she values your company, she'll stop with the snark so she can hang out with you. If you don't have a good relationship already, then you need more help than anyone on a message board can give you.

    The other mistake people tend to make is they stay in situations, or continue to take part in conversations that upset them when they have the option to leave. Your presence is valued by others, whether you believe it or not, and silence speaks volumes. So does changing the subject or leaving the room-not in a huff, but quietly and with dignity.

    Good luck.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    My response... in a very matter of fact tone would be.....ehh, my body, my choices....your body, your choices.

    Exactly. And honestly, that's the best way to put it without being as rude and immature as they're being. I'd just shrug it off. Or, better yet, find other people to hang out with.