
Howdy y'all!!

Let me start off by telling you a bit about myself. I am 33, 4'11", and overweight. I am also disabled, I was born with both hips dislocated & due to that I will have to have a hip replacement in the near future. It's much sooner than I'd like to think about. Most exercise is hard for me as it hurts either my hips or back. When exercising it will be hard for me to get off the floor and then back up again. I have an ENORMOUS sweet tooth. I try to walk away from sweet things and in the end well... it ends in disaster.. I started tracking my food yesterday & I have in the past started cooking healthier but I just keep getting heavier. My husband also wants to loose weight as well but tracking will be difficult as the job that he has he can't have his phone by his side like I can. We both work hours opposite of each other & won't be able to exercise together. When I am at work I have a tendency to graze. I have tried to surround myself with healthy snacks but in the end I end up going for the sugary treat. :(
I am hoping to find some friends on here that can help me be accountable for my actions & make sure that I track daily. I can be bad about that. I am hoping that other people on here are willing to share some tips and tricks to exercising that I can adapt for myself. I hope I can find some new recipes as well.

Hope to talk again soon!


  • kristinahargraves
    kristinahargraves Posts: 27 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on everyday and enjoy having friends that help each other achieve their goals:)
  • Lunch: 3oz of prepared tuna salad, I added a diced (unpeeled) large red apple and a tbls of sweet relish. I was so good, I would have loved to have had some crackers (whole wheat), but didn't. I also drank a glass of water. Surprisingly it was satisfying. This lunch was a little over 300 calories..