Injured and trying to lose weight

Hello all ... 50 yr old lady here, with back injury, unable to work out and exercise, but trying to diet and lose 30 pounds anyway. It's coming off slowly without the ability to exercise and feeling discouraged. Wondered if anyone is in the same situation or has been in this situation, and how you handled it. Just reaching out for a bit of support. Thanks in advance!


  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I hope someone here can help!
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    So sorry you've injured your back! But you can still lose weight without exercise. You just have to crack down on the calorie counting. Weigh and measure everything and expect to lose a little slower, perhaps, and unfortunately perhaps not feel as good.

    If you're under doctor's care for your back, perhaps you can ask for advice on continuing to lose weight as you heal and/or get a referral to a nutritionist to create a meal plan for you? And if you are doing physical therapy, perhaps you can count any calories burned during that as well.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Not in this situation but here's my advice. Technically you don't need to work out to lose weight. If you continue to maintain a caloric deficit you should lose weight. Be honest and pay attention to all that you are eating. I would set your weight loss goal at .5# per week...maybe 1 but no more. It will be slow but it'll be something.
  • writer190
    writer190 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm also injured (broken collarbone) and currently unable to exercise and feeling a bit discouraged, so I understand your frustration. I think it is possible -- just harder -- to lose weight without exercise. The only thing I would add is that, as my nutritionist pointed out, healing takes energy and nutrients. If you're eating a calorie deficit, it might be a good idea to try to get your calories from particularly nutritious foods (that is, less processed foods, if possible).
  • ellechim1
    ellechim1 Posts: 74 Member
    My husband has an injured back and we found that aqua therapy has been a blessing! It's physical therapy in a pool. He says just being in the water take the pressure off his back and he doesn't have any pain.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    My first 50 lbs I lost without any excercise, It's nice but by no means a 100% requirement for weight loss. You can do it with diet alone if you need to ;) Exercise is good for getting you some extra calories and for overall health but weight loss IS actually about 90% diet so don't feel like you have no hope!

    If at all possible though you should try to be a little bit more active, even if you are only doing some easy streches in your chair. There are a ton of excersises that can be done without having to put stress on your back. Consider speaking to your doctor about it ;)

    Good luck!
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    If you can't work out then you can still lose weight by maintaining a deficit. Figure out how much food your body needs and then create a deficit, but don't go below 1200.

    I would suggest doing something light to remain active, such as going for short walks or swimming. You can increase the intensity to a jog or go for longer walks or swimming at a faster speed as your injury recovers. Maybe you're in too much pain right now, but in a week or two you might be ready to start moving even it it's just a little. Nothing too intense because you don't want to get worse, but it's important to stay active (unless you're in the hospital or something like that) so that when you're recovered you won't be super winded after just a few minutes of exercise.
  • Elizabeethan
    Elizabeethan Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, thank you for the reply. Yes, under a Dr's care since the day after Christmas when I injured my back. They had me in PT for awhile, which I think was good as they had me doing some strengthening exercises, but they took me out of it to do epidural injections in the disks. I hope they will return me to it again once the injections are done. I am trying to be diligent with watching the food. I'm watching Calories, Fat, Protein, Carbs and Fiber. I have been doing a bit of gardening, in fact today I overdid it a bit as the back aches, but moving my body is important I think, even if it's just a little bit. Thanks again for the encouragement - so appreciated!
  • Elizabeethan
    Elizabeethan Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks Elle, for the aqua therapy suggestion! I'll have to check out my local YMCA, once I'm allowed to get back to classes.
  • Elizabeethan
    Elizabeethan Posts: 38 Member
    You've inspired me. Thank you. I have been gardening, as I told someone else, as I can sit and not have to bend too much. I don't do it everyday, but a few times a week. Stretches are good too. Thank you for the support.

    My first 50 lbs I lost without any excercise, It's nice but by no means a 100% requirement for weight loss. You can do it with diet alone if you need to ;) Exercise is good for getting you some extra calories and for overall health but weight loss IS actually about 90% diet so don't feel like you have no hope!

    If at all possible though you should try to be a little bit more active, even if you are only doing some easy streches in your chair. There are a ton of excersises that can be done without having to put stress on your back. Consider speaking to your doctor about it ;)

    Good luck!
  • Elizabeethan
    Elizabeethan Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Writer ... sorry to hear of your injury. Thanks for the info from the nutritionist. I am pretty good about avoiding processed foods as I don't like my son to have them, so most meals are homemade, and breads are whole grain, but store bought. I hope you start to feel better soon. It's such an inconvenience to be so limited in moving around! Feel free to reach out to me too should you need to. Take care.
    I'm also injured (broken collarbone) and currently unable to exercise and feeling a bit discouraged, so I understand your frustration. I think it is possible -- just harder -- to lose weight without exercise. The only thing I would add is that, as my nutritionist pointed out, healing takes energy and nutrients. If you're eating a calorie deficit, it might be a good idea to try to get your calories from particularly nutritious foods (that is, less processed foods, if possible).