need to lose 50 lbs ... ..ppl together it will be easier

hey ppl i am new here !!! i weigh 82 kgs which is vry much disappointimg for me !i really need to lose weight because i have hormonal issues too......................i will start frm today and will appreciate if there is some one who can start with me a group we can lose faster and keep each other motivated.i think the main problem in journey of losing weight is that many people they gets demotivated and leaves evry thing ...........i need support because somewhere deep inside my mind i have started thinking that i cant lose weight because my goal is vry big and my eating habbits ........ GOAL IS from 83 kgs to 60 kgs in 8 months ...


  • Hi there :)
    I weigh 83kg and I want to get down to 60kg :)
    I would love to talk to you.
  • leez61
    leez61 Posts: 9
    i would also love too..we share same gaols ....
  • leez61
    leez61 Posts: 9
    I an just vry tried of extra fat on my body!!