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  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    OMG....I am SO not gonna waste my time on this silliness anymore.

    If you wanna inject woman's hormones in your body....good lord....just do it already:noway: I don't know any guys that would want to but...hey...whatever floats your boat:drinker:

    What I don't understand is why we all have to AGREE with you on it, since when does the whole world have to agree on injecting hormones into our bodies? Either do it or don't I don't chose to risk my future health. If we chose not to that makes US wrong?:huh:

    Yea uh huh..that makes a whole lotta sense....
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Just because it's natural, doesn't mean it's good for you.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I really love how the intellectually inferior here compare HCG (a completely natural hormone) to crack cocaine, methamphetamines, and tapeworms.

    Please consider this before you evaluate these people's opinions.

    Actually cocaine is natural as well.

    The issue here is not whether its natural but whether its sustainable. The point of losing weight the healthy way, a smart reasonable diet along with exercise and losing 1-2 pounds a week, is that it take a long time in which you retrain your brain and body on how to eat and how to exercise and those things become a habit. Additionally If you are preforming some crazy ritual or eating some insane amount of soup or fruit Its unbalanced and can NOT be sustained for the remainder of your life nor should it. If you are doing these things then you are not retraining yourself and you will be very LUCKY if you are able to keep it off.

    Congratulations to anyone who has been successful with HCG, or any fad diet, and has kept their weight off. Losing weight in any way is hard. Its like those trick questions on tests. There might be more than one correct answer but there is always a best answer and fad diets and crazy drugs and natural hormones are not the best answer.

    I know its hard because I'm doing it right! I'm doing it without drugs or hormones or a fad diet. Its working for me because I'm motivated enough to put in the hard work and do what I have to do to make it work. I understand if some people aren't strong enough mentally or emotionally to overcome their inner issues to do it the right way on their own. Be forewarned though; If you don't retrain yourself than you will likely see a relapse because you never fixed what got you there in the first place.

    Good luck with all your journeys
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    If a man can be tricked into taking a pregnancy hormone, what else can they get him to do? I got another fad diet for you. It's crack!!! Crack will help you get your skinny back. All you have to do is smoke a rock for breakfast, one for lunch, and then the last one for dinner over a six month period, and you'll lose over one hundred pounds guaranteed. You'll never have to ask yourself, "What will happen when I stop smoking crack?" Short answer, "You'll never stop smoking crack."

    Fad diets are nothing more than ways to strip money from the desperate, and the takers of these diets always end up in the same place, overweight and depressed. There are no shortcuts to losing weight. The keys are to reduce calories, eat healthy, and increase your physical activities. You have to change your lifestyle, and not allow another gimmick to steal your hard earned dollars.

    The fattest woman I ever knew was a crack head!!!!!! She was a damn good good and loved to eat but she loved her crack too.!! you are wrong pal@!!!!
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    If a man can be tricked into taking a pregnancy hormone, what else can they get him to do? I got another fad diet for you. It's crack!!! Crack will help you get your skinny back. All you have to do is smoke a rock for breakfast, one for lunch, and then the last one for dinner over a six month period, and you'll lose over one hundred pounds guaranteed. You'll never have to ask yourself, "What will happen when I stop smoking crack?" Short answer, "You'll never stop smoking crack."

    Fad diets are nothing more than ways to strip money from the desperate, and the takers of these diets always end up in the same place, overweight and depressed. There are no shortcuts to losing weight. The keys are to reduce calories, eat healthy, and increase your physical activities. You have to change your lifestyle, and not allow another gimmick to steal your hard earned dollars.

    The fattest woman I ever knew was a crack head!!!!!! She was a damn good cook!! and loved to eat but she loved her crack too.!! you are wrong pal@!!!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    If a man can be tricked into taking a pregnancy hormone, what else can they get him to do? I got another fad diet for you. It's crack!!! Crack will help you get your skinny back. All you have to do is smoke a rock for breakfast, one for lunch, and then the last one for dinner over a six month period, and you'll lose over one hundred pounds guaranteed. You'll never have to ask yourself, "What will happen when I stop smoking crack?" Short answer, "You'll never stop smoking crack."

    Fad diets are nothing more than ways to strip money from the desperate, and the takers of these diets always end up in the same place, overweight and depressed. There are no shortcuts to losing weight. The keys are to reduce calories, eat healthy, and increase your physical activities. You have to change your lifestyle, and not allow another gimmick to steal your hard earned dollars.

    The fattest woman I ever knew was a crack head!!!!!! She was a damn good good and loved to eat but she loved her crack too.!! you are wrong pal@!!!!
    Never in my life have I seen anyone addicted to crack overweight...barely skin over bones, face all broke out, what a mess....oh wait, maybe they were on hcg?:smokin:
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I hope I don't get my *kitten* kicked for posting that. :laugh: :laugh:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    If a man can be tricked into taking a pregnancy hormone, what else can they get him to do? I got another fad diet for you. It's crack!!! Crack will help you get your skinny back. All you have to do is smoke a rock for breakfast, one for lunch, and then the last one for dinner over a six month period, and you'll lose over one hundred pounds guaranteed. You'll never have to ask yourself, "What will happen when I stop smoking crack?" Short answer, "You'll never stop smoking crack."

    Fad diets are nothing more than ways to strip money from the desperate, and the takers of these diets always end up in the same place, overweight and depressed. There are no shortcuts to losing weight. The keys are to reduce calories, eat healthy, and increase your physical activities. You have to change your lifestyle, and not allow another gimmick to steal your hard earned dollars.

    The fattest woman I ever knew was a crack head!!!!!! She was a damn good good and loved to eat but she loved her crack too.!! you are wrong pal@!!!!
    I don't see a thing wrong with his post.... just someone defensive responding to it that's using a 'diet method' that's questionable at best. Does hcg cause aggresion because I've seen that as a side effect on forums and in friends that have used it in the past. Wow, someone else's hormone's can react real havoc....scary stuff:noway:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I hope I don't get my *kitten* kicked for posting that. :laugh: :laugh:
    I wouldn't worry Lina....ppl taking hormones and going through hormone hell on here with all the defensiveness and aggression are the ones to be frightened of....grab the dog and the children:glasses: . I know how I am during hormone hell...I stay away from ppl, I don't jump in and fight them. LOL
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    If a man can be tricked into taking a pregnancy hormone, what else can they get him to do? I got another fad diet for you. It's crack!!! Crack will help you get your skinny back. All you have to do is smoke a rock for breakfast, one for lunch, and then the last one for dinner over a six month period, and you'll lose over one hundred pounds guaranteed. You'll never have to ask yourself, "What will happen when I stop smoking crack?" Short answer, "You'll never stop smoking crack."

    Fad diets are nothing more than ways to strip money from the desperate, and the takers of these diets always end up in the same place, overweight and depressed. There are no shortcuts to losing weight. The keys are to reduce calories, eat healthy, and increase your physical activities. You have to change your lifestyle, and not allow another gimmick to steal your hard earned dollars.

    The fattest woman I ever knew was a crack head!!!!!! She was a damn good good and loved to eat but she loved her crack too.!!
    What's a 'damn good good'? Is that another term I haven't learned yet? ohhh soo many.. ewwwww and the other comment...that's just plain NASTY Girl!:huh: :sick:
  • Becca,

    I wish you wouldn't make derogatory comments about the HCG dieters if you disagree with the HCG diet. We are just people trying to lose weight and be the best version of ourselves that we can be, same as you I imagine.

    You have a strong opposition to the diet, I appreciate that. But the HCG dieters' enthusiasm is as strong.

    I wouldn't bash someone for taking analgesics, anti-depression meds, or other medication that may not be deemed necessary by one group or another.

    You don't like HCG. I get it.

    I have been successful on HCG.

    To the OP - you got both sides. Do some research and decide for yourself.
  • By the way, Becca, in your signature, the lines:

    "If hunger isn't the problem, food isn't the answer"

    has saved me from many a cookie these last few weeks.

    Thank you.
  • nutshell143
    nutshell143 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone I am new to this website & just wanted to say hello! I was looking for fellow HCGers on here :) I started HCG last October (2009) and in a 23 day round on homeopathic I lost 22.8 lbs & 30 inches!! I was amazed at the results AND the fact that I was actually able to stick to the diet. I have tried so many diets and within a week had given up due to slow or no weight loss and zero motivation. The weight loss on HCG was incredible from VLCD1 and it kept me motivated to keep going. I did not cheat one single time on the first round. I had to complete P3 & P4 while my husband was in the hospital at UCSF in ICU from getting a heart transplant. I was so focused on keeping off the weight I loss I managed to do it while eating the cafeteria food DAILY :)

    I did another round of HCG in early January of this year & lost another 20 lbs and 15 inches! I had switched to injections which I prefer just for the easiness of it (yes I am lazy & homeopathic is a pain to have to do 3 times a day). Then I decided to cycle and try to add a few things in. I still lost weight, but not at the rate I did in the beginning. It honestly is my fault. I did learn that I have gluten sensitivity and pasta is not my friend :( I can expect a 3 lb gain the next morning. Anyway, needless to say I did 2 rounds of cycling and would just gain back some of what I lost the previous round, due to not watching what I ate and eating things that made me gain. I also started to build an immunity to the HCG from not giving myself enough time in between rounds for my body to catch up, reset my hypothalmus and so on. Don't get me wrong, I have several friends that cycling has worked great for them, I just don't seem to be able to do it myself.

    So long story short, I ended round 4 in May and took the entire summer off for my body to rest and because financially I just could not afford to do the diet at all. With my husband being on SSD and me missing a lot of work because of post transplant related procedures, appointments and issues, my budget was tight. I still had a full bottle of homeopathic in the fridge from my very first round that I had opened and only used one day. My mom also had a almost full bottle in her fridge. So because I have become desperate and in the past month have gained back nearly 20 lbs (all my fault, not the diets at all - I pretty much said forget it and ate things I KNEW would make me gain).

    I started loading on Sunday, but yesterday I did not load I was to busy to eat so today is pretty much load day 2/3 and tomorrow I will start the VLCD for 23 days. I am going to Vegas for Thanksgiving to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of my husbands heart transplant and will be on P3 while I am there. I have decided to cycle back in after I return from Vegas. I will do a mini load while there. The only reason I am cycling back in is because I will only be on P3 for a few days & I know that my body will not have an immunity yet. I want to lose as much as possible before Christmas then I will take a month off & hopefully go back for my final round. Dr. Simeons does talk about interruptions, so I am going to use Vegas as an interruption, watch closely what I eat there and then jump right back in when I return.

    I am so happy that I found fellow HCG supporters on here :) I am a big Facebook user & have a ton of HCG friends on there as well - please feel free to add me Annette Baugh Soriano, just make sure you put HCG in comments so that I know who you are! I also belong to a awesome forum called www.4hcgsuccess.com if you don't belong to it, join it you will find so many supportive people on there and some great tools! Okay,, I am done with my rambling :)
  • Wow! Thanks Annette for your story and testimony regarding HCG.

    and for the support website! Welcome back!!
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Annette, that's quite a story. Congrats on your husband's successful transplant.

    So, if I understand you correctly, you cycle your doses (that seems like a lot of maintenance to me), can't afford it (that doesn't seem really sustainable to me) and when life gets in the way, you gain all the weight back. I'm guessing the HCG diet offers support on how to make better choices, cope with stress and emotional eating, and sustainablility. Or, is the expectation that you will take HCG for the rest of your life as a means to remain thin? Just curious.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    It's all been said, but my motto is "If weight loss were easy everyone would look like supermodels" I have 4 friends that have done HCG all against my advice but hey it's their life and they can decide for themselves. 3 out of the 4 got so sick they had to stop after only losing a few pounds. The 4th has lost a good amount of weight but everytime she goes off it she puts it right back on and them some. Losing weight rapidly has a lot of disadvantages, your body needs the slow weight loss to adapt to the changes and for your skin to shrink along with the fat. The slower you are able to lose the better outcome for long term maintenance. I have lost 80 lbs over two years and yes I have gotten frustrated and yes it is hard but doing it the healthy way is the only way to go, in my opinion.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Annette, that's quite a story. Congrats on your husband's successful transplant.

    So, if I understand you correctly, you cycle your doses (that seems like a lot of maintenance to me), can't afford it (that doesn't seem really sustainable to me) and when life gets in the way, you gain all the weight back. I'm guessing the HCG diet offers support on how to make better choices, cope with stress and emotional eating, and sustainablility. Or, is the expectation that you will take HCG for the rest of your life as a means to remain thin? Just curious.
    curious as well...
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    your body needs the slow weight loss to adapt to the changes and for your skin to shrink along with the fat. The slower you are able to lose the better outcome for long term maintenance. I have lost 80 lbs over two years and yes I have gotten frustrated and yes it is hard but doing it the healthy way is the only way to go, in my opinion.
    Congrats on the awesome loss!!:drinker: Slow and steady does win the race for sure and I believe it's far healthier for our bodies as well. :flowerforyou:
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Anette, I am not asking this to be snarky, but did you gain 20 pounds in 1 month when you stopped following HCG? How is that even physically possible? Thats more than 2,300 calories above your metabolism a day, which would indicate that your metobolism had almost stopped. I know my BMR is 1,500 a day, so that would be eating 3,800 calories a day which just does not seem possible, even if you were eating corn dogs and chips every day. If HCG damaged your metabolism so badly that it completely stopped pretty much that scares me even more than the diet itself.